Great Small Room Speakers for $3-5k

Hi all, I'm looking to upgrade from my current speakers (Zu Audio Omen) in my small room (13x10x7: WxLxH) and willing to spend $3-5k. I'm looking for a slightly more transparent speaker than the Zu's and also a smaller speaker. I'm open to new and used speakers. So, I've turned my attention to bookshelf speakers and small footprint floorstanders. I have a Rel subwoofer to buttress low end. Most of my listening these days focuses on blues, soul and R&B, classic rock, and alternative hip-hop. 

My system is: Rogue Audio Sphinx v3, Bluesound Node 2i, Rega P3 TT, Rel T7/X sub.

My nearest Hifi shop focuses on Harbeth, Spendor, and KEF. So far, I've liked the Harbeth P3ESR and Compact 7s and the Spendor A4. But, I'm curious to get other suggestions. I've been interested in the Devore Fidelity O'Baby but are just above my price range and can't be demoed right now.

Does anyone have experience with those aforementioned speakers in a small room? What else should I consider for a smallish room in this price range?


Showing 6 responses by nonoise


Sorry but I don't have any info other than what I wrote earlier. I just wish I could remember where I read of other potential dealers. It might have been over on YouTube in the comments section of the speaker or at one of the countless sites I looked at while researching, but I do recall people saying a dealer in their area are going to carry them.

They have an open invitation for retailers on their site so maybe after word of mouth and more reviews come out, others may take an interest in them or if they now carry them, update their websites. 

If anyone knows of a dealer now carrying their line, please chime in with what you know.

All the best,

@celtic66 ,

here you go:

Just scroll down to the bottom and the US dealer is on the lower left.

I've read online (but can't recall) of other dealers getting them as well.

All the best,

Yes, Daniel Emonts was the senior sound engineer at Dynaudio and some of the most successful models were his designs. Here are two recent German reviews to glean:

This one


And this one

This one,


There are provisions to translate at the top of the pages. For some reason, the photos wouldn't link so I added the highlighted lines.

All the best,

If you do go the route of trying out the Atalante 3, be prepared for break in. It'll take a week or two of steady playing. The cone material of the mid woofer is unique in the industry with higher strength than glass fiber or even Kevlar. I used my Ayre test CD (with pink and white noise and frequency sweeps) to aid in break in and it was only after the 3rd time that everything fell into place. It's good practice to occasionally use it anyway.

Don't get me wrong as it sounds great right out of the box but odd at the same time, as if something is amiss. It's just the cone breaking in. I'm now routinely going through 2, 3, and 4 hour listening sessions, reveling in the sound. 

Also, if you employ subs, forgo the use of them to see just how low and convincing the base performance is and to judge the speaker on its merits, alone. You'll be pleasantly surprised. I have no desire whatsoever for a sub with these speakers and I've come from using JBL 4319 speakers with 12" woofers. 

All the best,

@grislybutter , No, the stands were $399 extra and required assembly. They came flat packed and were of the highest quality re: fit, finish, tolerances, etc.

They come with two sets of screws to fasten the rubber pads to the bottom of the speaker. One short set for just the pads and another longer set to attach everything to the speaker stand’s top plate, which is thick. I went with the longer ones which makes it much easier to move the speaker around and keep everything more stable.

I’ve just finished breaking the speakers in and they’re simply amazing. Among the most musical speakers I’ve heard.

All the best,


As a matter of fact I do have the Revival Audio Atalante 3 speakers and have been breaking them in since last Thursday. Absolutely wonderful speakers as they go through their paces and just keep getting better by the day. 

I believe they have a 45 day trial period (if bought direct) and come with a 10 year warranty. Great build quality as well. I'm biased, as you can tell.

I still can't understand how they sell them for $2499 and make a profit. Everything is designed, engineered and assembled in France.

All the best,