I mentioned in an earlier post that it was possible using 2 preamps with the CODA #16. I sort of did that today. The CODA #16 has a button on front of the amp to toggle between XLR and RCA.
I want to run a Lumin X1 into the XLR of the CODA and use DAC direct-to-amp so that I can eliminate streaming boxes, a preamp, and a bigger rack and cables. However, I have an issue where I want a tuner in the mix for background music. Especially in the morning to wake everyone up.
I got a $50 passive volume control from Schitt Audio called the SYS. It has no power cord and takes the RCA out from my 4" x 4" Sony XDR tuner and then outputs RCA into the CODA. The SYS is the size of large wallet and has a volume control and a switch for the 2 source inputs.
The sound of this thing is really good, way better than expected. I think I am going to keep the tuner on the floor next to the amp and the SYS on top. The Lumin DAC will be about 15 feet away. Not much reflective surface area between the speakers.
That toggle switch on the FRONT of the CODA #16 is a great idea.
My analog tuners sound way better than streaming radio, which is a non-starter for me.