HI TO ALL... Made a change to isolating my speakers, so I'm pawing thru my CDs and listening for the changes/improvements - and I put in one of the all-time greats (IMHO), and I am still so disappointed in the quality of the recording:
BAT OUTTA HELL by Meatloaf (luv ELLEN FOLEY ON "... Dashboard Lights..."): UGH!

What are your personal disappointments?

Another for me: THE DANCE by Fleetwood Mac : OVERLY Bass heavy

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

U2 Joshua tree is a great album but very poorly recorded and compressed like crazzy.

This isn’t the only one just the most egregious example. The Stones of course are crap. Duh. But anyone hearing Joshua Tree anything less than dynamic, deep, layered, and with massive inner detail is either playing a crap pressing, a crap CD (but I repeat myself), a crap system or has crap ears. My copy is demo material. Don’t be so fast to blame the recording. Figure it out.

“Born to Run” at the top in terms of gap between greatness of music and anemic sound.
Right. Bruce is the King of Great Music, Crap Recording.

I make exception for The Ghost of Tom Joad.