Great Interview-

Another great  Rick Beato interview. However at 46 minutes in the discussion touches upon how high end home audio is a complete waste of money.

Whats interesting is ...Bonamassa has an incredible guitar and guitar amp collection worth millions...but he and Rick think that high end audio gear is a complete waste of money. Why do musicians look down upon high end audio gear ? I don't get it.


Showing 1 response by 8th-note

I had a recording studio where I recorded bands in the Portland, OR area for about 10 years. I got to know a lot of musicians. Many if not most of them wanted to hear my big reference system but not a single one of them said, "Wow, how could I set up a nice system like that?" They thought it sounded good but it just didn't seem to register as something they were interested in owning. However, they really appreciated when I would introduce them to older music that was an obvious influence on what they were playing. The two best blues/rock guitar players I ever recorded had never listened to the Allman Brothers. Another excellent guitar player was clearly influenced by Joe Walsh but it turns out he had never listend to Walsh. I wish I could tell you that was unusual but it happened over and over again. But I digress.

An additional +1 @hilde45 . I've been to exactly one concert that sounded better than my stereo system. Grateful Dead at Missoula in the mid 70's. Crystal clear and not punishingly loud. Otherwise, a well recorded album sounds light years better than any live music event I have been to. And yes, I've been to several classical concerts. Maybe I just had bad seats or whatever but a well recorded classical album (either vinyl or digital) played through my system has much better fidelity to my ears. Blasphemy, I know.