Great integrated amps with narrow depth under 12 inches?

Trying to upgrade my NAD C352 2x80 watts amp into something... well, better. The NAD isn't known for lots of details, and with my Gallo Strada speakers, it's probably a significant bottleneck. As for power it's probably enough.

But the depth of some of these amps are killing me! Unfortunately for WAF reasons the amp must stay in the TV bench and 12 inches is the absolute max depth.

Suggestions? Build-in DAC would be a plus, as would room correction (that's probably asking too much?)

Showing 4 responses by carlings

Thanks I'll check it out. I'm also looking at the NuPrime IDA-8. With 2x100 watts it should be slightly more powerful than the NAD, though I'm concerned they are not being very conservative considering the small size of this thing. 
The Bells Area is unfortunately too large, albeit only by a bit. As is the Hegel. But thanks for all the suggestions everyone! Still considering the Nuprime. Also considering keeping the amp and getting a miniDSP with Dirac Live instead. Of course that's upgrading the sound in a completely different way, but still. 
Thanks for the tip, the Bel Canto should fit. I must admit I have no knowledge of this brand, but I guess I should start reading reviews etc. What sound characteristics would you say the 5i have? And does it do well at lover volumes?
@213runnin, no I'm not disappointed with the C352 per se, but reading around, a lack of resolution seems to be a common complaint so I figure this would be a natural upgrade path as my speakers should be the strongest component at this point.

Thanks for the suggestion, I might replace the preamp jumpers with an RCA cable.