Great bargain - but outta my reach

Ever been grazing the classified here on A'Gon and seen a piece that you KNEW was a KILLER component and was listed at what you KNEW was a KILLER price, but still at a price that was outta the reach of your wallet? A rhetorical question, I guess, cause it has happened to me twice this week.

What piece like that have you seen that has just frustrated the bejeebers out of you and does it make you less satisfied with what you have when you just coulda had better at a smokin' price, if only....?

Showing 1 response by rcprince

A couple of years ago there was a pair of Audio Sculpture/Matiere Ultimas for sale here for about a third of their original price that I would've loved to get even though they were no longer in business (my rationale was that maybe Audio Aero would be able to fix them, since its the same designer and the Audio Aero monos seem to be pretty much the same design), but I didn't have the funds and they were gone when I did have enough scratch later. I don't have any deep regrets, because Im still very happy with my Jadis amps in my system, but I would've loved to hear those Ultimas in there...