great and small bookshelf speaker-

This is what I need:
A speaker (front-ported?) that will not suffer too much for being on a shelf-
Less than a foot tall- and something that one might not feel the need to add a sub (very subjective) $1000-1500 new or used-
Reward to anyone supplying information leading to a conviction-
seriously, I will make a killer compilation of your favorite kind of music to the person who helps me get this right-

Showing 1 response by reubent


Interesting that you say none of the M&K are ported, yet in the specs some mention different frequency response with port open or port closed. BTW, one small M&K was listed as 35 hz bottom end extension with port open and only 80 hz with the port closed. Big difference. Enough of a diference that a sub would be required with port closed.
