Great amp, crashed and burned after 30 hours... Buyer protection?

Fairly new at this hobby, but worried about getting burned by not so  honest sellers. How does one ensure the seller is a "good person" and will accept responsibility for their sale? Not have the attitude that "it worked when I had it" too bad it doesn't work after a few hours...!!
I have a really good buddy that has been doing this for years and he was severely screwed by what looked to be a very good seller. What is  your recourse? Need some good ideas before I dive in??!!
Thank you all 

Showing 1 response by stringreen

..for me, it would all depend on how much money is involved and the amount of grief and time it would take to travel down any legal road.  If it were for a couple of hundred dollars, and after a brief try at making it right, I wouldn’t ruin my days left on earth with this.  Just move on.