Granny ring, Jetrexpro, all

Are any of you building power cords with the Western Electric WE16ga? I see that a bunch of fellas on the Jeff Day Blog are making them with very good success. Day has also made some and it seems he may install on his
Mac MC30s. How about it? Any updates? Best, Rob

Showing 29 responses by grannyring

Do you mean WE16 with Canare? Are the Belden with Canare now as good as the WE16 with Canare? I would like to try the Canare on one set of ICs, either the WE or Belden. Thanks Jet.
Mikirob, I have ordered some 11ga WE stranded to make my two power cords. We will see!

Jet, I did order the Tortuga board! Needs a nice 12v linear power supply however. I purchased an outboard Teradak 12v supply for it. Very good and low priced supply from China.
No, but I will now! Still enjoying my WE speaker and IC cables. Best I have heard!
I should add that I built a set of speaker cables using WE10 gauge stranded and tinned. Same exact wire just thicker gauge. I like them even more and they are my main speaker cables now.

I would not use the 16ga cable for power however and suggest the 12 or 10ga.

I have compared the Belden ICs to my WE 16 and find the WE16 to be much better, not a little better, but much better. Mine are shielded and Jeff Day is really missing out on something special. They should be shielded for best sound based on my testing.
Great. Let me know! I am building a tube preamp using a design inspired by several great preamps I respect. I will need two power cords for it as it is a true dual mono. I want to make these same power cords for it!
Will do Jet still waiting on parts....transformers. This is my first complete build and right now I am sorting out what to do for attenuation. I am leaning towards a Tortuga LDR board with remote and display over a stepped attenuator with motor.
Looks like the USA source is now dried up. No more offerings. Just the stuff from China.
Jazz, I used these on deep,discount at Sonic Craft......

2 x Neotech NC-P311 Male - 12.8mm (000060) = $59.90
2 x Neotech NC-P302 IEC (000055) = $79.90
Jeff Day does not experiment as much as some of us. He gave up on the WE16 as ICs before he shielded them. Big miss!

The WE16 is not the best choice for a power cord. He should have tried the 9-11 gauge WE options as they are wonderful.

I even found the WE10ga stranded to sound better in my system then the 16ga.

I understand this takes time and in return you learn much more.

I don't think there is any magic in the connectors he used on the power cords and the Neotech may sound better or worse with the WE wire. Mine sound wonderful with the Neotech parts.

Others have found the Canare RCA connectors to sound better than the Switchcraft. I will put those in next!

I love the fact that we experiment so much here! We have all learned a great deal for sure.
Ok Jet, I ordered a set of the f10s to use on my WE ICs. I compared my WE ICs to an $800 set and the WEs won handily to my ears. Looking forward to midrange improvement of the F10. 
I finished my preamp and it is just wonderful sounding. It is clearly better than the LDR passive I am using as an attenuator in my tube preamp. I have compared the two and I can share the LDR on its own is missing the dynamics and scale of the active. The active gives nothing up in resolution....nothing at all. It simply improves the overall sound with a much bigger and robust presentation of the music. 

Jazz, I made three sets of your 3a version and love them! I used the 10ga also. I also,p use the 10ga for speaker cables. I find them better than the 16ga doubled up. 
Jazz, I am using Neotech NC 311 ac connectors on closeout at Sonic Craft at great prices.....over 50% off.
My findings are the very same as yours Jet. Shielded with Canare connectors is best. 
Jet, thanks so much for your suggestion of the Canare RCA connectors. They are just wonderful filling my room with beautiful and enveloping mids. I do prefer them to the Switchcraft to be sure. They are so very inexpensive also! Just a nice upgrade to an already fantastic cable. I find the highs and upper mids are smoother with absolutely no loss in detail. Fills my space with more layers of mids as if the stage is now some 25% larger. Most interesting. These connectors are under $4 each! 
Hi all. I now have 100% WE 10 ga wire power cords throughout my system and just love them. I simply used a 10 gauge run for ground, hot, and neutral. No shielding of any kind and a simple twisting of the three wires. Highly recommended. I also use this same gauge for speaker wire which I liked even more than the outstanding 16ga. 
Good idea on the 10ga star quad twist cables. They will really make you smile! You can sell the rest. I sold my set of WE16s very quickly.
Just no,time to post and update folks on various sites. Takes a lot of time and follow up as we all know. I suspect he is aware of these threads.  I will stick to here and DIY forums when I need DIY guidance. 
Hi group. Seems I am moving and will have lost my dedicated music room. The new space requires our stereo to be in the living room. I cannot have all the rectangular boxes, as my wife says, in this room.

That said, I have made up some nice WE 10ga cords that I will no longer need. They are broken in a ready for prime time. Feel free to contact me to talk about it .  
Unshielded Charles using the NOS Western Electric 10 gauge stranded and tinned wire in cloth. I purchased some nice Neotech connectors on closeout at Sonic Craft and I am happy with the result. 
I use the 10ga WE for my power cords replacing $1200-$1500 PCs from Kimber. They will stay for good at the low price I paid to build them. Just fantastic. 

If you can DIY, for $90 you get a least 85% of the sound folks. These 10ga DIY Western Electric power cords are just fantastic. 
Rob, love your post and am happy for you! Nice mod choices for sure. Yes, I use the WE 10g for my speaker cables and power cords. Best I have heard in my system.