Graham tonearm tweaking

I have recently finished my Teres turntable project. I purchased a used Graham 2.0 for it, and installed my Clearaudio Discovery cartridge last weekend.

My question is, I have been reading the forums here regarding the damping levels on this arm. Could someone who has experience with this outline the method that they use to tweak the level to suit the cartridge? Please go into detail as to what you are listening for at each stage of the adjustments. Do you key in on the bass, or listen for treble?

I am looking forward to finetuning this arm and want to put in the effort needed to get it to its best sound.

Thanks guys, Brad.
I was just KIDDING around!!No need to go RAUL on me,Doug!!Also,you just blew the free LEON's pastries,so take that!!!
HMMM, indeed! Very suspicious! There could be an infringement suit here. Did you record that call? Might be worth some bucks.

In Larry's defense, the UNIverse is very difficult to describe. If you check reviews of other ZYX models you'll see similar remarks. I said something like that in my Airy 2/3 review and so did Art Dudley in his. Invisibility is the ZYX house characteristic, but it's pretty tough to wrap words around it.

The further up the ZYX line you go the more invisible they get, naturally. By the time you reach the UNIverse all words seem futile. The only other component I've heard that disappears so readily and thoroughly is the equally indescribable Schroeder Reference. How do you describe the sound of nothing?
Well,I've benefited from this original post,in that I've been shamed into learning how to use this damn keyboard,thanks METRALLA.

I've also learned cool stuff like the meaning of ROTFLMAO!!

My discussions of the damping fluid tweaks were well worth it,and "PALE" in comparison!!

Larry,the only reason I equated you with Salvatore,was because your comments on the UNIV. were literally,word for word,identical with a letter sent to him, describing the cartridges attributes!!HMMM!!!
ROTFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
It was not me that wrote the letter to Arthur Salvatore. I have never had the pleasure of meeting or talking with Arthur, but I hope that happens one day.
What does ROTFLMAO stand for?

As for the HOLY ground,that was then.I'm sure today would be a different story.The only "POSITIVE" thing that came out of it,for me,was the fact that I started to believe that I could come up with good sound,on my own,and that all the "HOITY TOITY" dudes just got there first!!

Any "HOITY TOITY's" following any of this?

Are any of you "HOITY TOITY" enough to remember your commitment to your readers?We actually DO spend money on subscription renewals.Although I'm considering letting mine run out,and reading the latest DRECK for free,at Barnes & Noble,as I have a latte!!I'd rather re-subscribe,but you don't deserve my loyalty.Who am I kidding I'm so conditioned already!

Too bad a guy like,Larry's pal,Arthur Salvatore doesn't publish a newsletter that I can sit and read in my car,during lunch breaks!!I love the guy.What BALLS!!To be hated and loved at the same time.Sounds like my system.Too bad Arthur was actually wrong about the later Dutch pressing of Prince of the Pagoda's being superior to the earlier English one.I have both!!Not close! The 2 Dutch pressings I own don't touch the 1st pressing British.I think Arthur really has to upgrade to that UNIV. REAL soon!!!Hey,at least he's human.

Anyone not following my blather,please refer to HIGHEND you all get as much out of that site as I did.As a matter of fact,I printed copies out for all my friends!!All 3 of them.
Sonically,once I got over being on HOLY ground,similar to the sound I had heard that month,while viewing the HAGLER/Sugar Ray Leonard fight at an area disco.
ROTFLMAO. That's quite a sound stage. So HP's system had plenty of punch?

I think he feels he would not be able to swing the 5 LARGE,should he like it.
In that case, he probably shouldn't listen to it. I have a friend who made that mistake. He's skipping lunches to get one. That's a lot of lunches.
I want to personally invite all of "YOU GUYS" to my daughter's wedding.In a couple of years.I promise I won't forget.Just as HP of TAS promised,3 yrs ago,that he would "NOT" let the magazine slide!!What a laugh.I can't help but think of him coming down his stairs,at the behest of his latest set-up man(paid schleper),with pipe in hand,only to listen to the component,or musical selection at hand and,quickly,giving the Roger Ebert thumbs up or down.Then retiring back to his video rig.That's it!!

I was smuggled into Sea cliff,by a former friend(old critic)some years back.Time of fire.Sonically,once I got over being on HOLY ground,similar to the sound I had heard that month,while viewing the HAGLER/Sugar Ray Leonard fight at an area disco.I swear!!Like I said,we're "all" just hobbyists!!HP was away at time.The former critic obviously was NOT a good friend of HP,or mine,but wanted a business favor from me.Heck,I wasn't about to turn down that invite!!

Doug,I'm really sorry to say that at the time being my friend has decided not to take you up on that offer.SHUCKS!!It has more to do with his present state of trying to secure a replacement TITAN.Also,I think he feels he would not be able to swing the 5 LARGE,should he like it.

Probably a good defense mechanism,though.He did ask me to "truly" thank you for the offer.He also said he may take you up on it someday,should his current situation deteriorate,regarding a n/c replacement.Since you were so open about bringing this over, to a total stranger's house,I think,even if he doesn't try a UNIV. you may be welcome to come over for a listening session.We can then "MUG" you in BKLYN!!PS---You will still get the "LEON's pastry!!

I think the blame for ignorance about the critical nature of the damping fluid is clearly on Bob Graham himself. He designed the thing and should know; He wrote the instruction sheet that has been used by everyone setting up the arm including reviewers. Even though I don’t care for the self anointed analogue guru over at StereoPhool, I can’t blame him for not figuring this out because I didn’t either until I read it here.

The audio rags have changed drastically since the early days. They are no longer the hobbyist experimenting and reporting what they find. That function is being done by all of us and the net these days. The rags are now run by business people as a business and that is a completely different kind of animal. I personally know one reviewer and you couldn’t give me his job. Stuff coming and going before you hardly get a chance to know it. It takes me a long time personally to get a system to really sing and even then I continue to learn how extract more out of what I have. Nope, that’s not for me. I would much rather chase records than equipment.

I do agree the it is good to hear others systems. It’s too bad that we all live so far apart! The biggest problem in most of the systems I’ve heard is the room. There always seems to be some compromise in terms of speaker placement to keep peace with the Ms. I not immune from room problems as I have too much speaker for my room. Finely tuned systems are hard to come by in these parts.


Thanks for the comments,so far.As for me,I'm "FAR" from a genious,and think that for the 3200 clams that this arm commands,and for the fact that this arm has been featured in the "Analog Corner" column for over 4 years(by a reviewer that passes himself off as an expert of experts)we "the consumer" deserve alot more.I "DO NOT BELIEVE"that I am the discoverer of some secret here.There are "PLENTY" of hard core critical listeners out there.I've met a ton.I'm sure that there are those that have figured this all out.Don't give the press such a free pass here(not that we can really do anything about it,though).

I guess many of you just don't remember the days when magazine like "TAS" REALLY were "TAS LIKE".This would have been covered there.There is NO excuse to accept the fact that there is a point of "Mere Acceptability" with regards to getting the best possible sound from something costing so much!There is a HUGE difference in performance from this arm,between just OK and SPOT ON.

This takes me back to my original comments that unless "WE" as hobbyists start to hear some other "HOBBYIST OWNED" set-ups that are truly fine tuned and "RIGHT"(NO bright or overdamped rooms,or rationalizing of weaknesses,which we ALL do)we will "NEVER" know if our own set-ups are "IN the Zone",for lack of any useful comparison(not "live" music,since it cannot be reproduced effectively)."Eyes OPENED OR CLOSED"!!!

If I had not been privy to my (FANATICAL) friend's system,I would,to this day,be as happy as a lark with my arm setup,thinking the slight grainyness(compared to the Air Tangent)was line noise,or Transistor noise,or tube noise,or my cartridge etc.You get my point.

To anyone less critical,I'm just a critical bloviator.To all else,we have a TON of money invested in our stuff,and deserve a little attention to detail!!YES,Salvatore is "MY HERO"!!The poor guy!!!So alone,is he!!!

I've been mugged once and burglarized once, but I doubt either scenario is likely while I'm carrying the holy cartridge into Yoda's cave! If I feel like spending a day in NYC it would be easy enough to swing by, mount it up and have a listen. Of course he or you are also welcome to visit, though hearing a cartridge in a strange sytem is not quite so useful of course.

I know one UNIverse owner who's also owned a Myabi and an XV-1S. He says the UNIverse is decidedly superior to both, particularly as regards neutrality. His only concern after a month of ownership is bass weight, but he admits he'll accept slightly tubby bass to feel greater impact. We won't. We prefer the textures and dynamics of individual instruments to any dynamics laid over the music by a component. The UNIverse's dynamics are strictly those of the music, never of the cartridge. IME it is transcendant in this respect. I've heard more full-bodied cartridges, the Denon 103 for example, but that fuller body is invariably the sound of the cartrige itself. I don't want to listen to a cartridge. I want to listen to musicians.

For a slightly darker, near Arthur Salvatore-an view on your last question: the mainstream press relies on its advertisers for survival. They may publish honest reviews, but perhaps honesty does not require 100% disclosure. It merely requires not falsifying anything one does choose to discuss.

They discuss the Graham's superb ergononics, world-leading ease and accuracy of setup, superb adjustability and excellent build quality. Damping? Mucking around for two weeks with messy blue goop? That's not exactly a selling point, so maybe we won't spend too much time on that.

Or, as Larry found with the Graham rep, they simply don't know and it didn't occur to them to find out. I had a similar experience with my last car purchase, I all but demonstrated the car for the salesman. Enthusiast forums like this one give everyone access to the collective insights of people with great passion for a product. People like you, who often have far more knowledge to share. Thanks to the internet we no longer need magazines to tell us what to buy or hear.
Sirspeedy - The mainstream audio press may have dropped the ball regarding Graham fluid damping, and its affect on bringing out the best in that arm, for a variety of reasons.
Trusting that the designer knows his product well, it has not been made very clear in the instruction manual how to adjust the fluid damping for its optimum. Most owners and reviewers put in an 'average' recommended amount and let it go at that. Although this arm has been "covered extensively", as you say, I am not sure if anyone other than yourself has devoted as much research into the critical effects of damping fluid amount. Certainly no reviewer has. The arm has been seemingly judged on its "follow-the-manual-setup-recommendation" merits. This arm in particular, or perhaps unipivots in general, may be very sensitive to damping fluid adjustments, more so than arms like the SME V. Now that you have 'unearthed' the method of tweaking the Graham damping fluid, it still will remain for most a daunting process of trial and error which many may not want to bother to fiddle with, especially given that a change in cartridge choice may require a change in damping fluid amount,.....again.
Hopefully some mainstream reviewers, and maybe even the creator, Bob Graham, will bother to take the time you have and investigate this topic and publish their results.
Thank you for your invaluable contributions.
I think that the value of finding the correct damping fluid for a specific set up is just not well known and appreciated by either the mainstream audio press or even the distributor of the Graham products.
I went to hear the new Graham Phantom being presented last fall and I asked the distributor rep that was there at the dealer for the demo if he had "tuned" the amount of damping fluid for the set up and I was quite surprised that he "just put a normal amount in there". I did not get the impression that he was being apathetic or lazy, I felt he just did not have an appreciation of the impact that having the ideal amount of fluid could mean to the quality of the sound reproduction. This all happened after I read your original thread but before I had worked with Doug Deacon and Paul to find the best level for my system (or I would have had a much more detailed conversation with him).
I think Bob Graham probably understands that there is value in being precise with the amount of damping fluid, but I wonder if he understands it to the level that you have come to understand.
I would like to ask all those, who found this thread interesting, to "POST" comments regarding your feelings as to why the mainstream audio press had dropped the ball covering this topic.Afterall,this is a very popular arm,and has been covered extensively!!It has,also been around a long time.It took me almost 3 years to finally "give in" and really commit to fotzing around.Something that took way to much time to figure out,and I'm a dummy!

Maybe someone in the right place could catch wind of this and "WAKE UP" to the fact that there is more to QUALITY music reproduction than an endless parade of "Recommended Components" or covering the latest 5.1 "CHACHKA"!!
Exactly right, I won't sweat it.

I've been listening to my Graham 2.2 with Airy2-x-sb and it sounds very good. I'm so pleased it doesn't seem necessary to change anything, but of course I will experiment after maybe 25 hours on the cartridge. Down force is at 1.98 (was at 2.00 the first day, Sunday.) I've got VTA set so the cartridge is parallel to the first record played (don’t remember how thick that one was), and the fluid level is at the starting point (slightly below halfway up the square part of the bearing shaft.) It sounds so good! I’m strictly a jazz person, and cymbals have greater detail, soundstaging is improved width wise on some recordings I’ve listened to. Bass is quite good and I think it will get better. I’ve only listened to 6 or 8 records.
I expect a hefty commission if that manual comes to fruition!!I may need the dough to purchase a ZYX UNIV!Ya see Larry you "ARE" a pretty good salesman!!!

Doug,just when I was expecting some kind of defensive comeback(although not necessary)you go and make an "INCREDIBLY" nice offer!!Larry has also been very open about discussing,via the TELE the finer points of this potential winning design.However you have to hear something in real-time to determine it's merits.I would certainly make an effort to contact him if I decide to visit family in FLA.That would surely be an interesting listening session.

Hey Larry,hope you clear up that "room brightness" you alluded to.I' very picky!!

Back to your offer Doug.It's IMO too nice.You don't know me at all.I have,in the past,actually been ripped off(A Tandberg tapedeck).This happened 20 yrs ago,but I never forgot that feeling.I hope you never experience that.

That being said,and assuming you are sincere,I will ask my pal "YODA" if he is up to it.Right now he is without a cartridge,since his new TITAN has crapped out.This is the second one in a year.He is very frustrated,but has MANY connections,except he thinks this one may not go so well,since he already got a replacement for free.

I,due to Larry's enthusiasm,and credibility, have given my pal a HUGE pitch on the UNIV.Basically I told him not to turn his back on what may be the next great transducer recommended by the "BIG BOYS" of which my pal has associated with in the past.He is,though, an independent thinker,but he gets alot of feedback through his "IN" channels.Although that IMO means "CRAP" since we are all just "HOBBYISTS".

What he is looking for is a design that can compete with the likes of the XV1-S,TITAN(but doesn't break)MYABI,and the TRANSFIGURATION TEMPER V(low output)which I have and is "FRIGGIN" great.I guess as of now he's leaning slightly towards a COLIBRI.WHY? I have no idea!

This all goes out the window if he gets another TITAN,though we feel may present problems again,in his Air Tangent.

The only reason I got so wordy here,although as you know I do that alot(sorry),is because your offer is so damn nice, that I'm going to mention this to him.He is off to CANADA to visit with another audio pal (and record collector-extraordinaire),next week,but I bet he jumps at this.Larry did a good job.

By the way he lives in Brooklyn.If this comes off you won't be sorry,that I can promise.We'll see in a week or two.Thanks alot.

I get to meet another "GONE'R".Have a good tadoo over the Graham vs Wheaton.Hear the UNIV.You get to sample the system I call the best I've heard.Kill any reputation I may have,regarding my blathering about how good I think it is,if it's not(I'm not worried here).You get to sample "LEON's" bakery products(guaranteed better than the UNIV "experience").AND--we both hear some of the lp's in the "GUARANTEED BEST FRIGGIN RECORD COLLECTION IN THE USA.

I'll see what I can do!!

Jeff_ss, don't knock yourself out over this. I certainly wouldn't ask you to do some kind of tech writing. One can usually find this information with a search. Really there are just two threads here that I know of that have the valuable info on this subject and since SirSpeedy was involved in both they shouldn't be hard to recall.
Well in that case I should probably spend more time on it. Right now it's just a cut and paste job of what I thought were the most useful posts to (so far) this discussion thread, including the user names of the posters. To make an actual instruction manual the ideas might need to be put in a little different order, and I'd probably take the user names out. Also scan other discussion threads for more information to include. I'd be happy to do it, but it will be some time before it's done since I have to put in 50 hour weeks at work for a while. Although I'm at work now, you can tell where my head is at. order for the Wheaton to fit my arm's mounting area,and to fascilitate the "DOWNWARD" pitch of my arm,with respect to my Transfiguration Temper V's excessive vta "backslope" I needed a spacer between the cartridge and the headshell.You could imagine how pissed off I was at my dealer for not realizing this.Especially when I asked him to check this out.
Now that IS annoying.

I forget where you're located, except I know it's not FL (yet). If it's near central CT let me know. If you or your friends are nearby I could certainly bring my UNIverse over for a listening session some day. We can both close our eyes and neither of us need get heated up about anything!
Doug,I never took any of your,useful and educated comments as argumentative.I was very happy with my Triplaner,but,found the Graham a better match for my table.This had more to do with the fact that in order for the Wheaton to fit my arm's mounting area,and to fascilitate the "DOWNWARD" pitch of my arm,with respect to my Transfiguration Temper V's excessive vta "backslope" I needed a spacer between the cartridge and the headshell.You could imagine how pissed off I was at my dealer for not realizing this.Especially when I asked him to check this out.

That being said,who cares if I have to move the "FRIGGIN" Graham adjustment a little more than the Triplaner?It's still "dead accurate".It is supposed to be a more finer pitch than other arms,so what?They are all(other arms as well)capable of this level of adjustability.At least those I've seen.Gives new meaning to the term "Let your fingers do the walking"!!Who even thinks about stuff like "thread pitch" when you can still get the desired result?

By the way,I ALWAYS close my eyes(AT TIMES) whether listening "LIVE" or to my own set-up.I'll bet Raul has too!!!

Please take ANY comments that may seem confrontational as "SIMPLY" comments I'd make to a "Friend" during a listening session!!BOY,you would not believe some of the "REALLY HEATED"audio debates that constantly break out in my listening group,and not from me.I'm too busy ducking.I LOVE it,though!!!
Jeff ss, I would be interested in a copy of the article you are putting together for the Graham tonearm. Let me know how to get a copy of it.

I certainly wasn't trying to argue, but I wasn't offering an opinion either. Unlike many things in audio, thread pitch is easily measured. 0.7mm per turn is more resolving than 1.0mm per turn. Opinion really doesn't enter into it. (Now I'm arguing!)

I agree about the "slop" in the TriPlanar's VTA threads of course. To use that adjustment consistently one must bring the tower up to the desired position by at least 1/4 turn or so. Doing this allows the weight of the arm to take up the slop, which is easy to feel. Tighter threads would be better. Perhaps that's what you meant when you said the Graham's VTA adjustment was more resolving.

Many thanks again for posting your breakthrough results. Damping the Graham effectively is so critical that every owner owes you big time.

Are you going to post your document? I'm actually working on something similar for the TriPlanar. There are a number of things a user needs to know that aren't in the TriPlanar manual, just as a good explanation of damping is not provided in the Graham manual.

I can't imagine why you'd object, but I do in fact listen with closed eyes at live concerts. All the time. I'd better stop doing that or I'll never see you coming!
Goodbye sirspeedy, your work here is done. It’s been great knowin'ya. Seriously though, I'm working a document called Setting Up The Graham Tonearm. Copying the vital pieces from this and other discussion threads and pasting them in one cohesive word document. I'll refer to it frequently in the upcoming months.
Jeff,The wobbly aspect is supposed to be there.To me,that is one reason unipivots are SO GOOD.Think "car suspension" here,with the pivotal nature(WOBBLE) coping with micro bumps and depressions in the groove,some dirt as well.Although there may be some responses to the contrary,and I can't proove anything,the opposite effect of the unipivot would sort of act like a plow through the groove.They work fine,but the unipivot design is a "KILLER".So don't worry!

Sounds like the damping fluid was too low,originally,and may have contributed to the distortion you heard.As I, and others, have stated previously,the stuff can make or break the ultimate performance of the arm. Also,make sure your anti-skate is where it should be.Check Graham instructions.Also,even though it's a pain in the tush,read all previous posts.If you want to grow in this hobby,then you can never get too much information.You can,also call Bob Graham.I have,in the past,with questions.He is a nice guy.

Although having a captive audience is nice,truthfully, I'm played out on this topic, of the tweaking of the arm.There are some very nice people that have responded to this thread,and you can find valuable info with many of them.Many seem to be far more experienced and capable than me.I've been at this hobby for 35 years or so,but,am constantly learning things.Don't be coy about trying something for yourself.

Anyway the 2.2 is a great product and should last a lifetime.I don't see any other arms,other than the very pricey and ergonomically difficult air bearing designs outperforming it to a great degree.If I ever get rid of mine that is the only direction I'd move in!

Good Luck!!

Larry,thanks,but it would be hard to ascertain the quality of your set-up via tele.Ha!Ha!

I will contact you in the future,should I go down to Florida to visit my parents and inlaws.

Best wishes.
Email me off line with your phone number if you would like me to give you a call.
Larry,I'm "SOLD"!!Better pray that this is all confirmed when this "Breakthrough" design,as you infer,starts to get some serious exposure ,other than via the internet.PS-I assume it was you,whom Salvatore was referring to.

I have taken your word on this,as you seem experienced,and sincere, and recommended the lesser models to one friend.He will probably get a zyx 2 or 3.

My "YODA" pal is in BIG TIME with some of the "HOITY TOITY" crowd,who are sceptical about the UNIV. as being the second coming.With these guys,they usually like to knock something they haven't discovered themselves.Especially since this line is controlled by one guy,well intentioned or not.I will get "KILLED" by these guys,if your comments don't pan out in time,as I've done somethimg I've learned not to do.I've created "BUZZ" by someone's(YOURS IN THIS CASE)comments to me.So I may have to move down to FLA. a little earlier than planned if the UNIV. is not the "MEGA" design you and others claim it to be!!

That being said,I do have very good credibility with him,as I have helped him out,in the past,with his own system issues.I'll keep pitching the Univ. if only,at least,for him to take a good look at, before making any final decisions.Although with the limited exposure here,I can't see how this could be done.

The previous offers of other hobbyists allowing an audition are incredibly nice,but unless heard in our own set-ups can't tell much!!


Thanks sirspeedy, no further questions (except for one at the end of this post), just want to express my gratitude. You've written volumes here and I appreciate your desire to avoid having to repeat yourself. It’s probably obvious I’m a novice but I understand what you have just said and it’s quite helpful. Already knew how to check the level with the “dipstick”, just wasn’t sure what level to start with. Your explanation of how to work from that level is clear. I added a bit more and have it to a good starting point, just below half way up the square shaft. Previously it was just touching the square part (not enough fluid).

I also knew how to adjust azimuth, but was not sure how to see when it’s right. The mirror idea occurred to me, but using the test record this morning seemed to get it about right. I just tried the mirror and was able to see the stylus didn’t look quite vertical so made a fine tuning adjustment. Will test by ear again with the test record. The mirror works well.

Speaking of the test record, I found the inner most tracking ability test gave my setup problems. It was fine with the center and outer ones. Changing the azimuth slightly seemed to help some, but my arm/cartridge still had problems with the tracking ability test closest to the center of the record. The overhang adjustment template that attaches to the cartridge (what a convenient way to make this adjustment) has a choice of two points to line the stylus tip over. Position 1 for the standard “Seagrave/Baerwald” positions, while 2 is the “alternative Loefgren which is said to provide improved overall distortion at the expense of slightly increased peak distortion at the beginning and end of the record.” Since I used a point half way between 1 and 2 thinking I might get the best of both, this could have been the cause of the distortion I heard (very noticeable) on the inner test tracking ability test. I’ve since moved the stylus tip to position 1 and now the inner-tracking test is handled with no problems. This improvement might also be due to increased damping with the now higher fluid level

Finally one question, is the wobbly nature of the Graham typical of unipivot arms and hence there is probably nothing wrong with mine?
Doug / Sirspeedy,
The name of the cartridge I heard in January vs the UNIverse was a Lyra Tsurugi (or Surugi...I am not sure of the spelling).
The UNIverse was significantly better than the Tsurugi as well.
Raul,just when I attempted to defend some of your previous posts as "INNOCENT ENTHUSIASM out of love for this hobby",you go and try to be antagonistic!!What do you expect to get from this type of response?Stay entertaining and informative(I know you've done that in the past),and you will be better off,and respected for contributions to subject matter!!I mean this in the most "POSITIVE" way.I think you are a well meaning hobbyist!!

Jeff,read my previous posts re fluid,etc.

The azimuth can(I did it this way)be done by putting a very small mirror on the platter.Drop the cartridge on this,with the table turned "OFF"!!!Look at the stylus tip,and reflection, from the FRONT.You want to see the angle of the stylus as COMPLETELY VERTICAL...Obviously,if you have a test record you can check for this,or better yet, Graham has a little CHACHKA that plugs in and serves the same purpose.

Any adjustments for azimuth can be made by turning the little side weights,one way or the other,for balance.It's easy and actually fun,especially when you get a handle on everything, and realize that you can adjust your stuff with "CONFIDENCE" that comes from trying for yourself,and learning first hand.

I used to be paranoid about touching my stuff.Later I realized,from trial and error,that I became a pretty good set-up man.Now I won't even have a dealer do my work.No one will be as fanatically careful as me(my own hang up here),and at least I learn about my own equipment that way!!

To save you some time reading every post.On the application of the fluid.The pointy "THINGY" is the bearing.That is attached to a "SQUARE" shaft.Only in the beginning do I "VERY CAREFULLY" put some fluid in the WELL itself.In order to work "PROPERLY" with fluid levels you must think about the "Checking" of fluid like the checking of oil,from your car.The "SQUARE" shaft is where you get your measurement from.You,ultimately,want to START with the fluid about,just under,1/2 the way up the SQUARE shaft.You have to replace(screw) and then take out the bearing shaft(easy to do)for a visual reading.

This can and will take multiple repetitions before you get it right!!It is the ONLY way to really dial in the arm.

At first,when you have shot a small amount of fluid (Small amount,then check "dip stick/shaft)into the actual bearing well, you will have to gauge as to how close you have come to getting it about 1/2 way up the shaft.Just unscrew and check,possibly a few times,until you are close to 1/2.If you go way over,carefully take a Q-tip and clean some out.Be really careful here,you don't want any residue in the well.Also hold bearing in place over the well for about a minute or two so as NOT to leak any fluid in any part of the arm assembly.Sounds hard,but easy!

After that ALL ADDITIONS OR SUBTRACTIONS OF FLUID are made by taking out the bearing shaft and checking for level,based on the sound you are hearing from music in play(here check previous posts).You squeeze, from the syringe,an itsy amt. of fluid,and pick it up with the tip of a pin or toothpick.This is really easy to do.Then carefully apply to the tip of the "UNSCREWED" and facing up bearing tip (THE POINTY TIP
After that screw back the BEARING assembly and listen,as described in previous posts.YOU WILL HAVE TO REPEAT THIS PROCESS QUITE A FEW TIMES before you get it right.

DON'T WORRY.Once you get the hang of it,it is really easy.Also,something I had forgotten to mention earlier.Try to have some audio-pals over when you perform these adjustments.It is advantageous to have extra "CRITICAL" ears on hand.

For any other potential questions,could you PLEASE read previous posts FIRST.I think about everything is covered there.
Hey Doug: Please don't tell me that your opinions/evaluations ( post/answers/threads ) on the audio
subjects were based on " close eyes " estrategy.

I hope not.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Sirspeedy I would never have known about the critical nature of the damping fluid without your comments and I thank you. And Doug your comments, especially those dated 2-15-05 are very helpful. I now have my pre-owned Graham 2.2 on the table with the Airy 2x on the arm. Setup was confidence inspiring. Graham’s method of setting cartridge alignment and overhang, as well as pivot to spindle distance are so well thought out and user friendly. I now have no doubts that I’ve got it right. However azimuth is a mystery to me, and I don’t want to play a record until this is adjusted. Having never owned a unipivot, I have no idea how to know when this adjustment is right. If it’s only a visual check then I’m in trouble since I will never be able to see if the stylus is vertical. I just bought a test record and will read the instructions looking for an azimuth test. Regarding unipivot arms, I had been told they were wobbly and that I might not like that characteristic. I don’t but am not sure if mine is ok since it’s pre-owned. If I knew mine was acting normal I’d feel better.

Now about the damping fluid, how do you manage to get a pinhead amount into or out of the well? This stuff is so thick getting such a small amount to come out of syringe is close to impossible. I put in what I think is a little less than the manual calls for (0.75 cc) but when I check the fluid level with the cap it looks like there might be too much. However the manual’s description doesn’t quite jive with what I see. It says “check the fluid level on the small post with the triangular piece on it. The fluid should completely cover this triangular part, but not go much higher up”. My post does not have a triangular piece; it has a square post that comes out of the cap and at the end of that is a round post about 4 mm long with a point on the end. Right now the fluid covers the 4 mm of round post and goes up onto the square part for about 2 mm. I think there might be too much fluid in the well for a starting level. I realize the level will be adjusted by ear but it seems this process would be aided by starting at some predetermined level. Sirspeedy may have covered that and I’ll review his writings in a minute.

I just went up to check the fluid level as to be sure my memory of where it is on the post was accurate. While doing so it occurred to me one way to remove small amounts of fluid is to take the cap off and let the small drips that come off the post fall into another container, not back into the bearing well.

I’m certainly anxious to try my new arm and cartridge but the azimuth adjustment leaves me a little uncertain. I’m off to check out the test record.
Dear Doug: ***** " . Short version: close your eyes and you'll see live musicians in your listening room. " *****

This is the only way ( close your eyes ) that you can " see " that and that is the wrong way to evaluate any audio item: do you stay with your eyes closed when you are in a live concert or in a jazz night club ?
When you close your eyes you can imagine anything but for you or anyone is almost imposible to do a serious evaluation of an audio item or audio system hearing with " close eyes ".

Regards and enjoy the music.
Previous high-end cartridges either owned or heard on my system include Shelter 901, Lyra Helikon and Koetsu Urushi (older version with the alnico magnet). Each of these cartridges was excellent and had its own sonic benefits and shortcomings. None put everything together like the ZYX UNIverse. It is the real deal. If you're in the NYC area and would like to listen to it, let me know. I live in Westchester County.
Vac man,could you,please list the cartridges that you have previously owned.Thanks.This will be very useful to me as I am currently recommending the UNIV. to a VERY sceptical,and suspicious of "THE LATEST BREAKTHROUGH PRODUCT" friend.

He has been around the block too many times to get too excited about the numerous breakthroughs this hobby spews out regularly.I myself believe this cartridge to,probably,be the real deal!!
I hated the 3 Jet games that I took my son to last year.Fans urinating in the garbage cans of the men's room.Fans "CONSTANTLY" getting up,in the middle of the action,for beer.I now stay home in my warm PJ's instead of freezing my ass off.I love the team,but was not wild about the fans either.

I did not take DOUG's comments as argumentative.He seems to be quite knowledgeable and was voicing an opinion.He also seems to be quite an engaging fellow,with a sense of humor.

Raul,also voices his opinions,and has knowledge of much in this hobby,as well.I could never understand why some are so mean spirited towards him.So what if someone doesn't agree with a comment!I don't agree with everything I read here,but everyone has their own perspective.In the case of Raul,I get the impression that he really LOVES to stay on top of these threads and gets into trouble sometimes because of innocent enthusiasm.

I have a problem keeping my own inner feelings to myself,regarding the "MANY" ego driven,selfish,full of "CRAP" types that I have met over the years.The problem belongs to me only,and I should,will, just "SHUT UP" from now on.I am nobody to judge anyone's motives,as long as they don't intrude upon me!!
The ZYX UNIverse cartridge is a superb cartridge. It has detail without edginess; it has extraordinary resolution, tonal balance and the ability to place instruments in an orchestra right where they should be. Listening to acoustic music and vocalists on it is just sheer pleasure.

I run this on a Tri-Planar VII arm mounted on a Kuzma Stabi Reference TT. The electronics are VAC Renaissance Signature Mk II preamp and VAC Renaissance Signature 70/70 Amp, which drives a pair of Verity Audio Lohengrin speakers in a reasonably large room.

If you have very good components, I think the UNIverse will simply astound you.
There was only one other cartridge that was used besides the UNIverse in the January get together. I could not remember it and that is why I did not mention it in my previous post. It was quite a good cartridge, but the UNIverse was superior.
I will make a call and get its name and post it here.
Dear Sirspeedy,
The Jets have had a good current run, but they did spend an inordinate amount of time on the short end of the stick a while back as I recall.
Based on the behavior of the Miami/South Florida Jets fans, I would not be so quick if I were you to be associated with the Neanderthal Jet Fans down here (I apologize to all Neanderthals since equating Miami based Jet fans to Neanderthal is an insult to all Neanderthals). I am quite shocked to find out that there is such a thing as a Jet Fan /Audiophile in existence (you must be rare enough to be a collectors item). I thought that being a Jet Fan and being an audiophile would mutually exclusive, but God Bless your pointed little head.
Doug was not being argumentative, he was just trying to be specific and helpful. Doug does not live in Florida and not a Dolphin (nor Jet) fan. You can focus your Jet bravado singularly towards me. I just love the abuse.
All the above is said in jest, except my apology to the Neandrethals for which I was being sincere.
Warmest Regards,
Doug it was not my intention to get into a Julian Hirsch "you show me your spec,and I'll show you mine" disagreement.Both arms can resolve what I wanted.Who cares if one requires my finger to move another 1/2 inch.I'm in shape!The Tri-Planer had "PLAY" in the vta adjustment.Even though I was able to adjust without the use of the "Useless" scale markings,it was still a great arm.

The Graham requires utmost "ideal" damping accuracy to get anything right.To me this is "NOW" not a problem.I like the Graham better.Others like other arms.I have a friend who just replaced his Graham with the new "longer" JMW.He is as in the clouds over it's superiority, over the Graham as Larry is with the UNIV.This all means nothing,since everything is subjective.Heck,I'd trade my 2.2 in a heartbeat for a KUZMA AIRLINE or AIR TANGENT(with motor boat sized dentist office pump only).

Larry,thanks for coming off as such a good guy.
Doug,don't think I'm trying to be argumentative.

It's not either of your faults that the Jets kick Dolphin butt every year.Sorry,that is the only point that is "NOT SUBJECTIVE"!!
I recently went to two high line audio homes in NYC.One a rich hobbyist with too much money.Never keeping anything long enough to learn how to set it up properly.300,000.00 worth of,literally, the worst sound I've ever heard.
I've met one of that type, and the one I met is also greedy and refuses to accept responsibility for his own (often poor) choices. He's also a manipulative back-stabber. Larry has recently been given the "opportunity" to meet him, an opportunity he should miss IMO.

Doug,as for your comments about the "lack of resolution" in the Graham's VTA adjustment,compared to the Wheaton.I owned a Wheaton for 4 years.You do realize the Graham's scale is set for much smaller adjustments(as in more precise).
FWIW, here's what I remember.

TriPlanar VII
One revolution = .7mm in height change
40 point dial = .0175mm per point
The dial is large enough to accurately interpolate 5 positions per point, so .0035mm per interpolation

Graham 2.2 (numbers from memory, please correct me if wrong)
One revolution = 1.0mm in height change
24 point dial = .041666mm per division
The dial is smaller but one can accurately interpolate 2
positions per point, so .0208333mmm per interpolation

Without interpolations
.041666/.0175 = 2.38

With interpolations
.0208333/.0035 = 5.95

Therefore, the TriPlanar VII's height adjustment has at least 2.38x the resolution of the Graham 2.2's, and nearly 6x the resolution if you give the TriPlanar credit for its larger, easier-to-read scale. My ears and Paul's subjectively confirm this, the Graham dial requires noticeably smaller movements to hit the sweet spot.

ZYX UNIverse
I can only echo Larry's enthusiasm, though I've only heard it directly against the cartridges on his list. Larry, didn't you hear others in that audio club meet you travelled to last month?

Of the four serious audiophiles who've heard mine two have already bought one, the third is saving his pennies, the fourth is crying because he may never be able to afford one.

The three buyers include Larry and a mutual friend who has the quickest ears and lowest tolerance for colored components of anyone I know. He listened to our UNIverse for 5 or 6 hours and commented that it did nothing wrong. That didn't sound like much, but his friend almost choked on his coffee. In 15 years this guy has apparently never heard a component for more than a few minutes without noticing a flaw. Three weeks later, after hearing a UNIverse in another system, he broke down and bought one. He's mentioned it once or twice on VA. Search for UNIverse! or UNIverse!! and you'll find him. Pretty amusing, since he's the most sceptical audiophile I've met.

His friend is the one saving his pennies. He's a broadcast engineer and custom builds or mods amps and preamps, some of the best, most neutral sounding gear I've heard at any price.

These two guys are the polar opposite of your typical, brand-happy, star-struck audiophile. They know what they hear and they understand why they hear it and how to make it better. They both fell in love with the UNIverse.

I'll be posting a review in a week or so. Short version: close your eyes and you'll see live musicians in your listening room.
Please let me know when you finally make your move to South Florida or you are down here for a visit.
I was a dyed in the wool Jet fan growing up and when I arrived in Florida. I remained a huge Jet fan for a couple of years, but the Jet fans down here were such a turn off (quite different than the N.Y. / N.J. fans) and the Dolphins were such a great organization to follow, that I have been a die hard Dolphin fan for the past 25 years.
In my system I have owned or heard the following cartridges (on my Graham 2.2, listed in an increasing order of preference):

Shelter 901
Koetsu Urushi
Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum
ZYX Airy3
ZYX Airy2
ZYX UNIverse
(Special note...the Airy2 was my preference over the Airy3. The Airy3 had much more detail and dynamics but was a bit too bright in my system/room.
There are plenty of people that prefer the Airy3 to the Airy2. My room being too bright made for not a good paring with the dynamic Airy3. Getting to work on my room is my next major project to get settled.
In addition, the Airy2 was a major upgrade over my wonderful Koetsu RSP but the UNIverse is, well…….. several stratospheres up from the Airy2.
I hope the Doug Deacon weighs in here as well, but I would tell you that I am yet to find another person who did not think that the UNIverse was the best cartridge that they had heard by a wide margin.
I would be happy to speak with your friend. Email me off line and we can organize that if he has an interest.
Larry. I currently reside in NJ.My parents,in-laws,and a multitude of cousins all reside in "DOLPHINS" Country.I plan to move to the Southern FLA. region some time in the next 2 to 3 years,at the latest.I'll always be a JET fan though!!

Also.I realize I've done way too much "Bloviating" and bashing of some "Connected" and/or industry types.I really got too carried away with this.I have a big mouth,and should have shut up!!I'm really sorry!!Someone on another post,very politely mentioned that I seemed to be harboring a hidden agenda.Looking at that thought,I have to agree and feel like a "YUTZ"!!Who the heck am I anyway?Maybe I'm suffering from analog withdrawal!!

Larry,My pal (AIR TANGENT) just had his second Titan cartridge failure in one year.He's pretty bummed out and told me this eve. that he is going to start considering alternatives.He has good experienced friends to aid him here.I did,however,give him a big pitch on the ZYX-Univ. that you are raving about.

What he asked me was, what were the previous cartridges you have owned.I had sent him copies of the Arthur Salvatore comments,and this peaked his interest,however he is a VERY sceptical person.Especially when it comes to new "RAVE" products.I did my best to peak his interest,but he has his own methodology that I don't dare to mess with.

Please do not have anyone try to send any e-mails or any sales pitches.I know you love the UNIV. and I totally believe what you hear,as you describe it.This is just the way it has to be, for me to simply give to him another "VALID" alternative to those cartridges that are considered "REAL FRONTRUNNERS".He has lots of friends with alot of experience in vinyl,but,the ZYX stuff is new to us,and I'm giving the UNIV.a real pitch that has his interest somewhat peaked.

So,as I originally stated could you list those cartridges that preceeded it.Anyone else owning the ZYX stuff,please list previous cartridges if you care to.Thank you all very much!!
Where do you live now (city?) and to what part of Florida are you planning to move (assuming that you were serious) ?
Thanks for the gratitude! Believe me,it has been my great pleasure to discuss this matter. Nobody,and I have many audio friends,some owning 2.2's,some JMW,Air Tangent,Immedia etc.Nobody helped me as I am the only guy in my little club that has 16.00 in tolls to get to my house,so visits are not too frequent.

That is one reason I am so down on the "audio experts" in the highly visible press.They are,to a great degree,just "FREAKIN'" hobbyists,like you and me.They are taken way too seriously.This topic should have been discussed on plenty of occassions in the mags!As John Belushi would have said "But,NOOOO!" these guys are to busy shilling stuff they really know little about other than they "WANT" it at a discount.Why do you think someone becomes an audio journalist( I know quite a few,at arms length,thank GOD).For the salary,ha! My pal YODA made dreck as a reviewer.He did it out of "LOVE" for the music/hobby.He owns 22 year old speakers that today's "YUPPIE Young Pishers" would not look at,to their loss.

Larry,Doug,and the rest of those whose set-ups I've seen descriptions of.If you really think what you own is not at least 98.787% of the "reviewers choice" stuff It's time to take up photography or better yet,tennis,as I'll be moving to Florida in 2 years.We can have a good hit.

I recently went to two high line audio homes in NYC.One a rich hobbyist with too much money.Never keeping anything long enough to learn how to set it up properly.300,000.00 worth of,literally, the worst sound I've ever heard.I took a day off in anticipation.I left about 45 minutes later.The reference material? KODO drums!!MAN!!

A week later I was at a former high line audio mag reviewer's home.This was only 250,000.00 worth of stuff.This guy LOVED himself.I wouldn't dare to mention what I owned.He would have sneered me out of his "Robbon Chair".Truthfully,it did sound good,but had the worst mid bass bloat I had ever heard in any set-up.This is a person recommending to us,the masses,how we should spend our money!!My pal,YODA,with a set-up averaging about 10 years old per unit,has IMO Dead Perfection in virtually every area I can think of.Why?He could care less about "BUZZ" stuff.His own set of standards are unwavering.

I hope I'm not coming off like I myself am some kind of self important snob.I know nothing.Then I see true experience,like my pal Sid.I do know that there are "TONS" of GREAT set-ups out there.I've heard alot.I love all different types of audio presentations in differing systems.There is no such thing as a reviewers choice,just a hobbyists personal prefference.

Doug,as for your comments about the "lack of resolution" in the Graham's VTA adjustment,compared to the Wheaton.I owned a Wheaton for 4 years.You do realize the Graham's scale is set for much smaller adjustments(as in more precise).Think LEICA here.There should be NO problem when adjusting on the fly,if everything is set properly.

Also,Doug--That really was great stuff on the damping differences in different arms.You really are a true "expert",and it is obvious.I'm serious!!

I am grateful that your table has been out of your hands for a while. Otherwise, you would not have had the time to write all you have in the last couple of weeks or so and we would not have the benefit of your experience and insights.
Nice job on your posts and thanks for the time and effort you put into them.
That is rediculous!Once you have the setting maxed out,and can track complex and difficult passages,anything else should be cake!Remember,what you are looking for is MAXIMUM retrieval of timbre,and harmonics.These fall into place when all else is obtained.At that point tracking is precise,and superb.You should,also have total consistency from one type of music to the next.Unless you want to get a bit NUTS with making changes for different discs.I don't.I mean I want to spend my time listening to music,not errors in set-up.

I think some of you are "Thinking This to Death" a bit.

Just try playing around for a few listening sessions.Then report back.Or better yet,forget about this thread and enjoy your music!!I know I will when my table comes back.
As you observed, fluid level, the VTF and VTA affect the sonic quality. The tough music passages on the record put more pressure on the stylus than lighter passages. Therefore, the correct setting for complex music passage may not be desirable for lighter music passage.