Graham Slee era gold MkV

I have to tell you, I picked up one of these to use until I could afford a hi-end Phono stage. I am not sure I need anything better now. This is an amazing little gem. Has anyone here tried this yet. I can not believe it. This blows away what I was using that was equally priced.
I won't say what I was using because I just sold it here.
But this thing is incredible. Right out of the box with no burn in time yet, it sounds incredible.
Of course it doesn't look as good as my old full size unit sitting on the shelf but, with this type of performance, I could care less. Build quality seems pretty good but it is nothing to look at. I read Fremers review in the January issue of Stereophile and figured what the heck, I'll try it. I can't say enough about this, just awesome.
IMHO, highly recommended.
You're right. This is not a stop-gap component; it's a serious phono stage that conceivably outperforms most competition up to $2000.
I've read quite a lot about it, and am looking for a phono stage myself to act as stop-gap until I can afford something better, but I think the Slee is too expensive for a stop-gap. But I'm interested in any info on the phono stages out there. There are articles on the Graham Slee on the TNT website as well as in the July/August 2003 issue of Hi Fi +, if you're looking for more info. These are both good rags.