Graham LS5/9 differences about screws?..


My name is Gianluca and I from Italy. I really love all about is from HiFi equipment and his history.

Actually I am going to replace my Spendor SP2/2 for a pair of Graham LS5/9.

I have found here in Italy a pair of Graham from a very well Known hifi shop. 
These Graham are “open box” and the price is very good.

But I have  noticed that 2 screws are missing comparing with the pictures present online. 

The 2 screws I am referring to are those between the tweeter and the small vertical panel where the sensibility can be changed with different soldering.

Do you have any idea about this? 
I really appreciate your contribution 

All the best.





are they missing from both speakers?  

if not, you can remove one from the other speakers and measure it to buy one from a screw supplier.  

if i were buying these speakers i would make them a low ball offer on price.  

I am still waiting an answer from Graham customer care….It is really unusual this thing..