Graham Elite

Is there anyone who still looks to receive his Elite tonearm? Any idea why it takes so long to build that one into current production? If I am not wrong, Graham announced Elite at the beginning of 2013, it almost makes one and a half year. I used to order months ago. Tons of excuses (I do not talk to him directly, but my dealer) so far, then got feedback that tonearm is ready last week. This time, no feedback again hence cargo carrier now could not reach to Graham. Weird. Make no mistake, I really like Graham tonearms, I have one Phantom B-44 and quite pleased with it. Perhaps some others who still look to receive have different information. I would like to hear opinions/feedbacks please. Thanks.

On the other hand, will there be an upgrade path for the Phantom II to III version or is it best to sell my II and purchase a III although i would prefer the upgrade path if there is one. Any idea on cost and turn around time for same?

No distributor in Canada so l would have to send the arm directly to you in MA just as i did a few years back for the installation of the micro-poise.

You are certainly one of the great innovator of your time in tonearm research and development along with Herb Papier and Alastair Robertson-Aikman before you.

All the best and keep up the great work my friend......
Bob Graham....I'm surprised at you for making that uncalled for belittling comment regarding the "fanciful idea" of 3D printing. I personally don't care if it is stuffed with doggie doe....if it works it works.
Dear Bob,

I wanted to write a note to clarify some of the misunderstandings.

First of all, I did not want to offend either you or any other proud Graham owners. As I am one of those happy Graham users. I have used and still keep B44 with great fun since 2007. Also, the only reason I wanted an Elite tonearm has been the fact that I have been very comfortable Graham. There are also some other serious alternatives to have a tonearm currently at the market but I insisted on having an Elite tonearm (waiting for almost 1 year to have it) while I do not even have Techdas t/t should mean something to you in terms of my loyalty and happiness with Graham.

Yes, as you also mentioned on inet forums, sometimes people may miscommunicate or put their facts a bit different than they intended to do. I also admit with a little bit of frustration (as I considered I have waited ages to have that arm and when I got that, I realized I can not use it as the L shaped DIN connector for B44 could not suit to straight DIN connector of Elite, last but not the least the only user manual from the package was B44 while no specific information including specs for Elite etc) I went too far on my forum thread to make critics. I can take the blame for saying "looks like toy" and I do apologize for that. If you can see the next post right after my initial post of that thread, I even used to correct myself.

I hope if you read this, you can have a better understading of Mr 95's musical preferences and taste as you questioned. As a Graham owner (I now have 2 Graham arms) I appreciate your designs and labor attachted to those. I wish I could use Elite but still wait to get my Transparent Ref MM tonearm cable to fit to Elite. I am sure patience will be rewarded and when cable comes and Elite becomes functional, I can comment more on the similarities and differences (I am sure it will be a major upgrade over B44, well is not it the reason to upgrade!).

I hope now we understand each other better. Again I am sorry if seen like a trouble maker which I am not.

All The Best
I forgot to add my audio system info as Bob wondered:

Acoustic Solid Royal t/t; Graham Phantom Elite+Graham Phantom B44+Ikeda IT-407 tonearms; Ikeda Kai+Miyajima Kansui+Transfiguration Orpheus cartridges; ARC Ref Phono 10 phono stage; EMM Labs XDS1 V2; ARC Ref 10 preamp; ARC Ref 610T power amps; B&W N800 speakers; Shunyata Triton+Typhon; all Shunyata Ztron Anaconda pc, all Transparent Ref MM IC+SC; SRA Scuttle x2 racks, SRA Ohio XL+2 bases; RPG Skyline diffusors
Well said Bob, if they only knew the difficulties of managing all the suppliers - for our company it is materials - large copper - we are slowed down by up to 8 weeks just waiting for raw material.
It takes time to build the best products and it is always worth the wait.

The Graham arm is a superb design, quality and performance at the top of the spectrum.

It helps to be encouraged on the forums not badgered, so please bear with us small manufacturers without us there would be very little innovation in this small and difficult industry.

Congratulation Bob, do not worry art takes time...cheers