Grado/Rega Hum

Unfortunately, I have two analog components that are both notorious for hum.
I have the Grado Reference Sonata cartridge and an extensively modified Rega RP3 turntable.
 Now that I’ve got a subwoofer component in my system, I  hear the hum even at low volume, but only when I get close to the speakers.  Otherwise, I don’t know it’s there.
Is it compromising the final sound?  If so, is there anything I can do about it?
I just added some isolator feet to the turntable and it seems to be doing some good.
( I should probably forget about it, as the sound is wonderful anyway.)

Showing 2 responses by atmasphere

Yes, I've had several people bring their turntables to us for this problem. The tricky bit was how to attach the wire to the motor; I did it by filing off some of the plating on the motor which exposed enough material that I could solder to. I simply connected the wire to the ground of the arm and presto! no more hum.

To me its common sense to ground not only the motor but also the platter bearing. The first time I did this was a good 15 years ago and this problem still isn't fixed!
Changing cartridges is the only sure fire way to eliminate the hum.
This statement is false.

All that is needed is to ground the Rega motor to the tonearm ground and the problem is solved. The tricky bit is the motor is sealed and not easy to solder to, but if you file it a bit and have a good iron, it can be done.