Grado Color Coded Pins

I am trying to mount a Grado Statement on my Audio Mecca Romance but I am lost when it comes to Grados Color codes G, R, L, H.
Which tonearm leads to they correspond to (color and function)
Thanks for any help
But the codes on the Cartridge are
Can someone give me the formula
ie. G = Right Hot
R = Right Ground
L = Left Hot
H = Left Ground
I realize the above is incorrect but I need the actual functions each letter is for.
Okey Dokey -- the two pins near the H are BOTH hot (+) pins. The two pins near the G are BOTH ground (--) pins.

The two pins near the L are BOTH left channel and the two pins near the R are BOTH right channel.

Example: The pin between the H and the R is Right Channel Positive. Etc, etc, etc.


BTW, that's a top of the line cartridge. Didn't it come w/ an instruction sheet?
H denotes HOT (+) R right=Red L left=White

G Denotes Grnd(-) R right=Green L left=Blue

I had this same quandry with an older Grado, fortunately I had a color coded Audioquest M-1 for reference.

Hope this helps. Enjoy!

hey, I just upgraded from a dual 701 to a rega p3. I have a grado gold cartridge. I tried the pin configuration which was said above. I can only hear the left channel though. I connected the RCA cables to my phono input. Not sure why its not working. I know the preamp/ phono works. Could it be the cable or the cartridge? ( I just moved so could the cartridge have been damaged during shipping?). It looks ok from looking at it, not sure the insides are working. Any suggestions?