got my PayPal 1099 /// what now?

I assume I owe income tax on any profit I made selling an item, which is probably a loss on most things. Which means I have to show what I paid for the item.

Anybody have any idea on how to go about this. Some things I sold in 2024 I bought over 20 years ago so no way I have proof of purchase. Example.. I sold my 20+ year old Avantgarde Duos for $7K that I paid $10K for.

PLEASE don’t turn this into a PayPal bashing fest or start preaching about the IRS or tell me how stupid I was to use PayPal.

 I am only interested in ideas on dealing with the tax implications



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I am not an accountant nor do I provide tax advice. The following is what my accountant did for the 2022 tax return.

Schedule C

Principal business is Internet sales

Accounting method is cash

Compute the gross profit or loss

exact receipt are not needed unless you get audited


Schedule 1

Enter the profit or loss from schedule C

Compute the net income/loss from schedule 1 and enter that number

on 1040 line 8.

In summary you should be able to deduct losses and reduce your tax liability or if you made a profit in will increase your tax liability

From what I understand is if you bought an item for say $10K and sold it for $7k then you have a loss and made no profit and would not have to pay extra tax on this but would have to still document the sale with the right forms to the IRS. I'm unsure what to do if you don't have any proof of purchase receipts. Maybe they don't require any up front. I was actually wondering the same thing.

Pretty sure receipts are not necessary unless audited.

Otherwise I have been prepared for this day by tracking every purchase and sale for the last 5 years. I keep every Paypal receipt, every shipping receipt, photos, every posting I sold or bought from, and every email exchange with the seller or buyer. All are filed as PDF’s and tracked in an excel spreadsheet so I can know how much I made or lost on each item. Typically lose thousands every year on the total amounts while some items may be "profitable", overall I am a loser! But prepared for an audit.

Some have questioned whether I actually have owned as many cables I have stated, and yes, I can prove every purchase and every sale.

Let’s see how much Friends and Family saves us from reporting. What is the 2024 number, $600 again?