Good value vintage pressing of CCR Cosmo’s Factory?

Kinda rediscovered my liking/appreciation for CCR. I only really want Cosmo’s Factory…I’m a new member of Discogs but trust you guys more.

Not interested in exotic pressings, *new pressings, etc

*YMMV, but I’ve never heard a modern repressing of anything that comes close to the best of the old ones….no matter what hype stickers are applied!

MY QUESTION: I’M willing to go $80 - $100 for a true NM-+ pressing of CF…what pressings/years should I be looking for if seeking best bang for that audio buck?


(And NO, I’m not using this to drum up an acquisition here! (I despise that greasy practice!))




Showing 1 response by bdp24


I concur with @tylermunns on the LP’s Steve Hoffman has been involved with (whether solo or in cahoots with Kevin Gray). I have a bunch of his DCC LP’s (the DCC ironically standing for Dunhill Compact Classics), which are real nice.

They’re mostly from the 1990’s, and not quite as good as those Chad Kassem and his team at Analogue Productions are producing, which imo are the best currently being made (in many cases better than original copies from the 1950’s-1990’s. I don’t like to use the term "OG" 😉). I don’t know what Hoffman’s more recent LP’s sound like.


@ml8764ag: I know you said you’re looking only for The CCR album Cosmo’s Factory, but in case you don’t know about it, John Fogerty’s first solo album is really cool, but somewhat unknown. It was released in 1973 on Fantasy Records, and was not identified as a John Fogerty record but as one by the fictionally-named The Blue Ridge Rangers.

It contains really, really good covers of non-Rock ’n’ Roll songs, the genres including Hillbilly (Jimmie Rodgers), Country & Western (Hank Williams, Webb Pierce, Hank Locklin, George Jones, Merle Haggard), and Gospel. John plays every instrument and sings every part, it is a true solo album. I have an original pressing (a week ago it was re-released worldwide on BMG. Being from a major, I would avoid that version), and the sound is unusually good. His first proper solo album on Asylum Records was released two years later.