Good to remember ... how to tell what sounds better

Another small contribution to this board... especially for those of us who really enjoy evaluating gear...

... we know this, but it is worth reminding ourselves

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Showing 1 response by russ69

" mijostyn says: Listening to one speaker for a week then listening to another speaker for a week is not a good way to evaluate minor differences between speakers because we accommodate to sound. Switching back and forth is always the best way to evaluate equipment but difficult to arrange."

How do you compare an apple to a pear?  You can't. The only way to tell what you like best is through long term evaluation playing different kinds of music. After a while you will get both items under comparison to sound their best and be able to decide which one works best for you. But it takes time to do this, playing a few tracks might get you a rough estimate but you really need time to evaluate fully. The industry pretty much agrees that long term evaluation is the tool used to review products.