Good starter amp recommendation

Was lurking for a while, decided to post.

I have an old system with Energy RC-30 speakers and currently using a Denon x3400h to drive them. The system is used mostly 80/20 for music/movies, and uses an Energy RC-LCR center for movies.

Would like to add a simple 2/3 channel amp for around $1000 to improve the sound and was looking at some more recommendations. Want it to be a good part of the system, but since the speakers are pretty basic, don't look for anything too fancy, but good enough to upgrade the speakers later on.

Looking around the forum, the following is my short list:
van Alstine SET 120 or Synergy 240/3
Odyssey Khartago (or used Stratos)
Anthem PVA or MCA (used is all I can afford, probably)
Parasound A23

Would like to hear any suggestions.
I concur, multi-channel is full of compromises. A quality 2 channel will through ghost images of miultichannel when so recorded

I have a Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5 and a DPA-1. These are excellent and can be purchased for at about 50%, which is a huge steal
Since you are willing to go with a 2-channel system, a wise decision IMO, purchase a quality 2-channel integrated amplifier and save any funds from the remainder of the $1000 for speaker upgrade. 

Consider using digital PCM output from TV for movies.

Unless I have missed it, you have not said what music sources you are using. Yamaha makes a A-S701 integrated amp with phonostage, DAC, and  subwoofer output. It outputs 100wpc. I believe this is a good option, though not the only one. 

Vincent makes a SV-500 integrated, which has internal DAC at Audio Advisor sells for $1000. Outputs 50wpc. 

Please advise as to the sources you are using (considering).

I don’t think you’re gonna get the gains you are hoping for by simply adding an amplifier. I think your best bet would be an integrated with an HT bypass. Get the receiver out of the chain completely for music. There’s a Naim Nait 5si on Agon right now for your budget. It should be great for what you’re wanting to do.
To update the thread, I found a good deal on a used McCormack DNA-HT1 Deluxe. Will try it out and see how it works in the system. From what I've read it's basically a dual DNA 0.5 with a bridged center. Also, seems like a lot of people had a success upgrading the amp through smcaudio later on if needed.