I'm hearing some things here. A lot of Klipsch, Volti, JBL horn-type speakers. Also some suggestions to employ SS amps instead of tubes. Since I run separates, I'm not opposed to adding a SS power amp and running some rock-dedicated speakers in the same room... it would be cool to have a speaker switch that could direct the pre to the amp / speaker of choice on demand...
Good Speakers for Rock and Roll Under 15K
I have nice speakers for acoustics, jazz, vocals, etc. but are not great for rock and roll. Would welcome any recommendations for speakers that do a great job with classic rock and roll. I will add some components in my system that might influence thinking:
New Audio Frontiers Tube Preamp, New Audio Frontiers 845 Tube Power Amp, Lampizator Atlantic DAC, Innuos Zenith Streamer, Tchernov cables.