Good speakers for a low budget

Hi, I am helping a friend find speakers for around $600. Aesthetics are a high priority. Thank you.
Cleaneduphippy makes some very good points, and it's frustrating how many people look for advice here without giving a clue as to what they're looking for or what they already have. As a general rule I don't respond to posts that aren't more specific, but in this case since someone else is doing the research it seemed obvious she isn't an audiophile so I felt OK making suggestions that meet the requirements as stated. I would bet she'd be thrilled with the majority of recommendations made here, and at the very least we can all feel a little better knowing she won't end up with something from Bose.

Condolences on the cleaned up thing.
I prefer to know more before recommending usually, but there are certain models in this price range that a layperson can surely build a nice system around and I have no problem pointing someone to these and then letting them decide. It beats the alternative of picking randomly based on whim because there is also a lot of junk out there for this price.
Gotta try Milton C. Mueller SB-2 with Ribbon tweeters--for $300 a pair you can afford a sub. If you don't like them you can send them back but they are unbelievably good. Also, on the used market you can try Apogee Centaur Major or Minor $500-600 major, 300-400 minor. Major is recommended as it has more bass but the ribbon driver is the same on both and very transparent and airy.
As much as I like Apogees, I would caution that they are usually hard to drive correctly and an atypical design/form.

Knowing more on the application would definitely be important in the case of recommending Apogees.
Btw, for those who are wondering what the "cleaned up" thing is all about, it just means that certain things you might have done in the "hippy days" you've let go of. While I still enjoy a little "herbal enhancement" from time to time, all the other stuff I let go of, way back in the 80s. So now you know what a "cleaneduphippy" is all about.