Good speakers at low volume?

It's a known fact that a lot of speakers "come alive" when they reach at least moderate volume levels. However, since I live in an apartment, I'm looking for a good speakers where I won't lose all the details while playing at low volumes. In that respect Audio Physic speakers are great, full of detail, unfortunately they lack dynamics for me when I happen to listen to rhythm driven music. I'm thinking 4-8K price range (Dynaudio, Dali...). Any suggestions are appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by mapman

Maggies , even, mmgs, properly driven, are hard to beat at low volume. Even at higher volumes, they will tend to disturb the neighbors less than dynamic designs.

Apogees would be an interesting pick as well.
"Another suggestion is the Linkwitz Orion which I would have picked if ability to play loud was on my list of priorities."

Ohm Walsh speakers are another option in this case.
Another thing I can offer is that Dynaudios sound very good at low volumes for a conventional dynamic design. Triangles are even better.
You're not allowed to say the words "loudness button" on THIS site.

Seriously, if you have one, obviously, try it, it might work.

Otherwise I wouldn't go out of my way to get one. They are usually not very flexible. Some units, like older Yamaha units for example, have variable loudness adjustments at least which is better.

If you think you have the right speakers and matching amplification for the application and still are not satisfied, a pre-amp with more flexible tone controls can help. There is another recent thread on "flexible pre-amps" or something along those lines here that you might take a look at.