Good speaker match for Sim Audio W5

Can I please get some Sim owners to give me some ideas before I start on the 'fun' speaker audition track. Just want to get some feedback and perhaps narrow my choices down a bit. I am looking for mostly excellent transparancy and good bass and the infamous 'speaker dissappearing act'(not sure if thats not more of a room and placement issue).

My supporting equip
Wadia 830 CDP
Golden Cross Cabling thru out

Thanks in adance!

Showing 1 response by soix

Soliloquy uses the Sim Audio W5 to voice their speakers along with some tube amps, so I'd bet they'd be a natural match. Don't know what your price point is, but I'd highly recommend the $2500/pr. 6.2, which is probably their best speaker with the possible exception of their $6000/pr 6.5 flagship speaker. If you really want to shake the rafters you might also consider the $3000/pr. 6.3.

I currently own the $2000/pr. 5.3 which I find to be very transparent and revealing, and they also disappear into the room as well as anything I've heard(although partially a function of room placement, some speakers definately do this better than others). Bass goes relatively deep and can be problematic in smaller rooms(might want to plug the rear port) while the midrange is detailed but very full with an extended yet natural treble. I'm using a McCormack DNA-0.5 Rev. A, but if I had a Sim amp I'd put Soliloquy on my must-audition list. Best of luck and have fun.
