good sounding cd's

hi again a'goners. ok, heres my question/dilemna?! just about got my system teaked out, new pc, upgraded cdp. while most of my cd's sound good, others just sound awesome, like what you expect them all to sound like with the money invested. case in point: john fogerty's "revival" cd. another one is johnny a's "get inside". anyone have any suggestions on really great sounding music out there in the blues, blues/rock, fusion genre? thanks again.

Showing 1 response by mapman

Fogerty's "Blue Moon Swamp", at least the later release with two bonus tracks, has top notch sound quality as good as I've heard on a pop/rock CD and the music is absolutely fantastic from start to finish. A true gem of a CD recording! I just listened to it immediately after "Gaucho" by Steely Dan on vinyl and it was clearly in the same league in regards to sound quality

So now my question is are there any remastered versions of original Creedence material that can come close to "Blue Moon Swamp" in terms of sound quality?

I have several original vinyl copies that suffer greatly from limited dynamic and frequency range and an original issue (not remastered)CD copy of "Green River" that is also quite limited.