good preamp for First Watt F7

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a good preamp for my First Watt F7 amp.
I'm using now my PS audio DS DAC as an preamp.
F7 has input impedance 10K Ohms, gain of 14 dB.
bakalovb OP

You need a little gain also with the F7 being only 14db.
Just go with the Schiit Freya-S or Freya-+ both have 75ohm output impedance on rca on their active stages and a gain of 4, and should drive the F7 no problem. Stay away from the Schiit Saga's as they are only unity gain.  

Cheers George
Rowland Capri was recommended to me by Pass dealer and it is a great combination...was told by dealer that the F7 often does not like tube preamps...the original Capri is available often at a little more than your price point...