Good, Neutral, Reasonably Priced Cables?

After wading through mountains of claims, technical jargon etc. I'm hoping to hear from some folks who have had experience with good, neutral, reasonably priced cables. I have to recable my entire system after switching from Naim and want to get it right without going nuts! Here is what I'm looking for and the gear that I have:

Looking for something reasonably priced-i.e. used IC's around $100-150. Used speaker cable around $300-400 for 10ft pair.

Not looking for tone controls. I don't want to try to balance colorations in my system. I'd like cables that add/substract as little from the signal as possible.

Looking for something easily obtainable on the used market i.e. that I can find the whole set up I need without waiting for months and months. I guess this would limit you to some of the more popular brands. Without trying to lead you, here are some I've been considering:

Kimber Hero/Silver Streak
Analysis Plus Copper Oval/Oval 9
Cardas Twinlink/Neutral Reference (Pricey)
Wireworld Polaris/Equinox

Here is my gear:

VPI Scout/JMW9/ATML170
Audio Research SP16
Audio Research 100.2
Rotel RCD 971
Harbeth Compact 7

I would really appreciate your help on this. Thanks, as always.

Showing 4 responses by mikesinger

if you can stretch your budget a little ( i would reccomend it looking at gear). you will be really missing out on your source, amp, and preamp if dont kick it up a notch on the ic budget (also power cords have a "profound" effect on a high resolution system)

the audience au-24 ic and speaker cable is a giant killer - well reviwed online, mags, and fourms. it is one of the few cables that can do a whole system ( it is THAT neutral). the used ic's will go for $250 meter and the speaker cable is $375 to $425.

btw, you wont believe the differnce when you upgrade the power cords - in fact you may want to start there first so you can really hear your gear.

i would strongly suggest staying with a "mainstream" know used cable. if it doesnt work in your system, you can always sell it for what you have into it.

i dont mean to sound pompus, but i have yet to hear a well rounded, neutral cable for less than $500 retail. i thing the audio world is waiting for a killer $200 - $300 retail cable that is neutral, but i am not holding my breath.

if a manufacture has one, i am very interested and would write a honest review (check my feedback here and on ebay- over 225 positive transactions). i would love to run across a reasonably priced neutral cable, but they dont exist- small cable manufactures please accept this a gentle challenge and prove me wrong. btw, i consider my system to be a "real world " system:

Audio physic libra's
classe cam mono 350's
pse hl-1 signature / bat vki-30
marantz sa-8260

the au-24 is the $500 retail cable that is reference quality that i have run across and i have heard it in all audience wired system ( audience has a very generous auditon policy) it has been compared to the vahalla and other cables costing 2x-4x the cost in both written and online reviewers and found the reviews to be spot on. btw, the audience power cords are friggin amazing.

there are other neutral cables out there, but they cost alot...even used. the xlo signature II and the upper end synergistic line come to mind.

hope that helps.

best regards,

time tells all....lets see if the vdh or ridge street rise to audio cable fame.

dont get me wrong, there are ALOT of great cables out there. but there is generally a direct relationship with the cost vs. performance of most of them. some are offer more perfomance for the buck than others.

most cables dont do everythng for under the $450 range. i used to say takes AT LEAST $750 to $1000 to have a great well rounded player (bass, imaging, dynamics, tonal color, musicality) untill i have tried the audience au-24. it hs closed the gap to $500 retail for a well rounder player.

i think the audience offers the biggest bang for the buck going (new or used). i have tried alot of cables up to the $2k price point and the audience is what works well in my system (i sold all my straightwire crescendo ic's for it)

looking at the original thread, the guy asked about a neutral ic for $100 - $150...well guess what...IT DOESNT EXIST -if it does please send me a 2 pairs ( 1 meter rca and a 2 meter xlr).

all i suggestd was to spend a little more and get a great sounding cable that if it doesnt work out, he can sell it for what he has into it or close. YOU CANT DO THAT WITH A VH DIY or a new ridge street. at least with the audience it is a "recognized" refernece quality cable that is in demand.

also unless he has heard a reference quality cable, there is nothing to compare it to.

please note this is my opinion....
....makes Salma Hayek look quite a few notches lower.

sounds high maintaince to me :))))

i actually prefer when they ask for my number.

you know what i mean...
