Good integrated amp for Paradigm Studio 40?

Just got my Studio 40 v2s, now looking for an integrated amp (sub $1k used) to match with them. any suggestions?
I'll second the Onkyo A-9555. A friend has a pair of Paradigm 100s v3 that she is driving with the Onkyo and it's quite nice; a bit warmish yet nicely detailed. She replaced an NAD 325 which I liked too, but the Onkyo was better (or so 3 of 3 of us felt).

If you go the Onkyo route, be sure and give it 100 hours or so. When young, the amp sounded somewhat brash but settled down nicely.

Good luck.
Absolute Sound did an extremely favorable review of the Onkyo A-9555 class D integrated with its matching CD player and the Paradigm Studio 20's. On another audio forum I came across favorable comments about the Onkyo driving a pair of Studio 100's.

I personally haven't heard the Onkyo yet, but I have one on order. I'll be using it to drive a pair of Mirage OMD-15s, which should present a similar load to the Paradigm Studio series.

Although it lists at $799, you can get the A-9555 from J&R Music World for $449 + shipping, or $474 from Amazon with free shipping and a 30-day return period.

You can also get a factory refreshed one w/1-year warranty from for $400.

All the reviews I've read of the A-9555 describe it as engagingly musical and slightly on the warm side of neutral.

If you want a small footprint, however, there's the Trio Integrated from PS Audio. They list at $1595, however, so you'd have to do some serious searching for a used unit.
NAD is warm. I run Rowland 102 (same thing as S300) into Paradigm Studio/60 v2 (same tweeter as yours). Sound is on the bright side. I upgrated crossover to no avail (small improvement). Tweeter used by Paradigm in Studio/60 v2 is Vifa aluminum dome and costs $30. Berillum tweeters are amazing but expensive. Usher BE-718 (great reviews and inexpensive) has berillum Tweeter and, from what I heard, works great with Icepower (S300). My brother has NAD and Cabasse Caprera. Sound is very warm.
can you give some examples of warm integrated amp?

I'm right now running the paradigm with a tube headphone amplifier (Yamamoto HA-02) which is suppose to be warm. But I feel it is not driving the speakers to really high volume in my living room (but ok in my other smaller room). I really can't say how they match together since I never used any other amps to drive these speakers.
I ran mine with a Jolida 502B which goes new for around that price. I enjoyed the match so much I moved up to the Signature line. Still a good match.
S300 is neutral but studio/40 is a little bright - I would suggest warmer amp.
If you are looking at the Bel Canto S-300i you should also look at the PS Audio Trio C-100. I'm using the modified version offered by Underwood Hifi. It's a basic integrated that runs cool with a very open sound.
I previously owned the Paradigm Studio 60s but it's been a while.
how about Bel Canto S300? does it sound good with the Paradigms? how does it compare with the MF A300 and Genon? thanks for the suggestions.
I used a Musical Fidelity A300 integrated with them and had great results. The A300 has a nice full bodied sound that works well with the 40's.
take a look at the genon pma-2000ivr. it worked great with my paradign studio 60 v2.