Good inexpensive temporary speakers

Until we move out of our condo in about a year, I'm looking for a good temporary (probably monitor) set of speakers. Once we purchase the house we'll be moving to, I'll be able to make a better decision about final speakers.

Since they're temporary (and will be up on audiogon in 12 months) I'm looking for something inexpensive but good enough to listen to for a year. I'm thinking Nola Boxers (never heard), Maggie MMG's (heard and not crazy about but good for the price), or other in the $1500 and under range.

In my new campaign for simplicity the electronics will be the Wadia Intuition 01. It includes preamp, 200 watt (8 ohm) amp and Wadia DAC in once unit. It's a bit on the warm forgiving side but great sounding overall.

My preference is always for highly musical, timbre-ly correct and non-fatiguing. Any ideas?

Showing 8 responses by ctsooner

I have sent you a PM. The speakers I shared with you are perfect for warmer sounding amps as that's why my dad used with them. The Proac Studio's have been in production for over 20 years without many changes as there were designed properly to begin with. Very revealing, detailed without fatigue and they disappear. I have heard the Boxers a bunch of times, including recently at a store on my travels. They are very nice. They soundstage well, but not better than the Proacs. The Proacs will give you a little bigger presentation I think. Tonally, both are very good and better than most of the under 2k monitors. The Proacs are about half the cost used though, lol. The one area that the Proacs seem to me to be better is in the mid bass on down. They are a very coherent speaker with tight punching bass with good pace. They go pretty low for a monitor and the bass is tight. I thought the NOLA's bass wasn't quite there. When it was, it wasn't articulate. I heard the Sheffield test record on it and it just left me wanting. Over the years, the Proacs were fine. They weren't what my Supertowers gave me, but the pace was there and it was musical. Just my ears and I'm sure others will say differently, but whomever does, I hope they have spent time with both speakers to properly judge. If you are selling in a year, I'd definately buy used so as not to lose too much or anything. Just my thoughts. GReat luck and let me know.
All good choices. I personally haven't heard what everyone else hears in the Maggies. I've heard them at different places, with all kinds of high end amps. They just seem to float the soundstage for me. The imaging isn't what you get in a dynamic speaker and the bass doesn't go low enough for me for the prices. I too have liked monitors and that's why I went with Proacs years ago. There are a bunch of great designs out there and since it's only a year, even if you make a mistake you'll be fine I"m sure. I have heard some strange monitors in this price range recently though. So many lack coherency which I find many floor standers lacking. The Maggies are great in that regards, but I don't like most peoples use of ribbon tweeters either and that includes some of the 20k plus speakers out there. Monitors are fun for a spell though they do make you realize that you are missing a lot of the music in those lower few octaves. That's why a bit of a midbass hump isn't a bad thing sometimes. It can trick you for a bit and still not smear transients. Keep us posted on your thoughts.
I am selling a pair of Proac Super towers AND studio 1's in teak. I think he'd love the Studio 1's to be honest. I have matching Target stands for them too, but they need new spikes, lol. I have loved my Proacs over the years. Yes, they do hold their value much better than most of the other brand of speakers. Mine have new surrounds on them and they have 0 hours on them. It was done professionally through a Proac dealer, where they currently reside. PM was sent. Just let me know as I can get these out pretty quickly. Thanks.
Dennis Had eara with Carey? Yes these are from that era. The bass isn't over ripe at all. In fact it's very tuneful and tight. Iike most things it all depends on your amps. It's a top notch speaker and that's why it's held it's value. It was worth way more than it's selling price years ago. I've run these speakers with 20k amps and top front end equipment and they just got better and better. To me that tells more about a speaker's true sound. There is a reason that Richard at Proac won't let his speakers get reviewed. It could also have been the recording too. I"m finding out that many recordings, even on vinyl had bass that was 'tuned' that way because that's what so many people want to hear. If he wanted towers, I'd put my Proac Super towers up against the DT's. I had the Heresy's in 1974, but got rid of them as the horn sound wasn't for me after hearing some better options, but that's why we love HiFi, as we all like different sounds. He doesn't need to spend 1500 for temp speakers as he can get what he wants for much less. I'm not sure that he can get that much more though for the extra few hundred. JMHO
I'd love to hear these speakers as I love first order phase my Vandy's
Larry, I just noticed you want pics of the Studio 1's in teak. email me and I will send them to you. they are currently at Audio Connections as our my Proac Supertowers as John refoamed them for me. I'll get a pic to send your way.
Which Radio Shack? Personally, I've never heard a pair there that sounded good, but I haven't seen their speakers in years. I didnt' even realize they still sold them.