Good evening,interested in moving to a DAC

my trusted denon 1800r has died,looking to step-up to dac and transport,any pros and cons to this,have a budget of 1500.oo if this helps,any body out there,have any suggestions,please advise,thanks robin
Skip the transport and convert your CD's to computer files. Then you can spend all $3k on the DAC like Almarg suggested, although you don't have to. It takes a few minutes to burn a new CD before listening, but your library will become so much more user friendly you won't care.
If you MUST be at or under budget......a CD840c will fill the bill. 2 channels of input and balanced out.

DISCLAIMER. I'll be selling mine soon for reasons that have nothing to do with the player or quality of playback.

Computer files and an external DAC also make compelling sense.

To add to Al's list....both Rega and Naim make integrated players in this category.
how does a tube output stage effect the equation?was looking at a sony 9100eswith mods by modwright,i believe they call them platinum signature truthmod,thanks to all who have answered my thread,thanks again robin a little more money,4300.00,would this be money well spent?
$4300 will get you a squeezebox touch and a $4k dac. you can build a dedicated squeezebox server for under $400 with more than enough storage for you entire collection ripped losslessly. good luck and enjoy whatever you decide to purchase.