Good Direct Drives

So I still keep thinking upgrading my current, Awia/Rega plinth/motor with debut arm and Ortofon cart turntable but after owning many years ago a few SL1200 and SL1210 MK2 and Mk5 I am hankering after a change in TT

But not sure what old model Technics or Pioneer to go for. Unless someone else can suggest another DD of this type etc


Showing 2 responses by last_lemming

I’m not sure you understand the the level of sophistication of the 1200g, yeah it looks like same ole old 1200 tables but is a serious bit of kit. That being said $4k is a serious bit of coin. 

OP, if you want a great direct drive TT with a lot off the 1200g’s performance, look at the 1200gr. It’s only $1700 +/-.  Mine comes in tomorrow and will replace my vintage Pioneer PL-530. 
Clearthink,  I can only speak to what I’ve actually heard, so my data set is small but you speak about the hunting of servo controlled DD TT’s as a bad thing. I guess that would depend on the degree of the hunting . I have a VPI Prime with the roadrunner and eagle control which controls the speed to 3 decimal places, but the third decimal place is always hunting for stability as well, but I can’t hear the effect, so why should it matter if servo DD motors do the same as long as it can’t be noticeably perceived?  Is there even a such thing as a perfect speed TT - I wouldn’t think so. 

Also I grant you that the Prime isn’t the “end all” belt driven TT but it’s no slouch either and it was $4k, so would the Prime be considered a serious TT?