Good Direct Drives

So I still keep thinking upgrading my current, Awia/Rega plinth/motor with debut arm and Ortofon cart turntable but after owning many years ago a few SL1200 and SL1210 MK2 and Mk5 I am hankering after a change in TT

But not sure what old model Technics or Pioneer to go for. Unless someone else can suggest another DD of this type etc


Showing 2 responses by clearthink

last_lemming"I’m not sure you understand the the level of sophistication of the 1200g, yeah it looks like same ole old 1200 tables but is a serious bit of kit. That being said $4k is a serious bit of coin. "
It is actually not sophisticated at all it is really a rehash of a previous design I know that some here have attempted to characterize it as new from the ground up but of course it isn’t it is a cheap Japanese direct driver turntable. For that kind of money $4,000USD you are not going to get a top notch turntable-plinth-tonearm for your Music Reproduction System and while the Technics does not qualify as a junk product it isn’t really a serious highend contender nor can it be for that price because precision comes at a cost. At this price level it is best to purchase a belt drive turntable which dollar for dollar at this price level offers you the best performance. For those who will argue with my assessment of this turntable I would politely ask that you seriously consider that such servo controlled direct drive motors are almost always off speed they are constantly hunting for the correct speed and that is the single largest source of their many sonic limitations.
lewm"Clearthink, You have swallowed hook, line, and sinker, the favored argument of those who prefer belt drive to direct drive or of those who make and sell only BD."

No you are woefully misinformed and mistaken the statement I made was based on many years of actual testing regarding the performance of direct drive turntables and this testing is easily verified by others who might be so inclined as to conduct they're own testing of direct drive turntables they're problem is that they are always OFF SPEED as can be shown by the sawtooth plot of their speed accuracy. The problem is they run too fast so the servo slows them down then they run too slow so the servo speeds them up then they run too fast so the servo slows them down and it goes on and on and on they are almost never on speed! or you can just rely on anecdotal reports and be perfectly happy that is also fine.