Good choice for 20' XLR cable?

I'm thinking of moving my equipment rack to a side wall. If and when I do that, I will need a pair of 20' XLR cables to go between preamp and amp. I do not want to spend more than $1,500.00 for the pair, hopefully much less for decent quality. New or used is okay for me.

Do you have any thoughts or suggestions regarding a particular brand? 

Thank you.


Showing 1 response by vetsc5

Hello and Happy New Year,

As a cable DIY'er I assemble my own cables.  Suggest that you check out Mogami 2549 raw cable at 77 cents per foot.  For XLR connectors recommend Neutrik XLR NA3FF-B (female) @ $16.66 each and their NA3MM-B (male) @ $ 15.67 each via