Good choice for 20' XLR cable?

I'm thinking of moving my equipment rack to a side wall. If and when I do that, I will need a pair of 20' XLR cables to go between preamp and amp. I do not want to spend more than $1,500.00 for the pair, hopefully much less for decent quality. New or used is okay for me.

Do you have any thoughts or suggestions regarding a particular brand? 

Thank you.


Showing 1 response by ryanvt

I have a 20 foot run from my Hegel preamp to a Plinius amp with Tekton DI speakers.   Have used with several amps and preamps and the cable exposes the source material quality and showed the benefit of adding a power supply for the DAC.   Hands down great value - not going anywhere this is the make / model …Pangea Audio Premier True Balanced Interconnect