Good Audio System for Living Room

I don't have nor can have a dedicated listening room or perfect listening position in my living room. I'd like to upgrade my very old audio system with something that will fill the living (and dining) room with sweet, warm music. Looking for amp, CD player and eventually speakers. High power not a requirement. Budget around a few thousand. A friend has recommended Rega which sounds familiar from my turntable days. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

Showing 1 response by celtic66

The Linn Classik offers compact quality, is very good sounding AND has a high WAF as it is one box that does all while not cluttering up the room. Used with tuner model can be found for around $1100. Axiom M3Ti ( black are quite good with this unit or even the Spendor SP3 for $895 new. By the time you add speaker stands you could be just over 2K and this system will be quite musical.