Good arms for catridge swappers

Yeah I have VPI and like it (12.5) have thought of Graham 2.2 or Phantom.But wondering what others might be out their that have good sound and can sawp without thiking a fortnight.Guess I would like to try something other than uni-pivot arm and not break bank.Think that (and maybe wrong) one is better with arm tube swap as opposed to head shell for speed of change and rigidity.Have thought of SME 309 being good contender but assuming (maybe wrongly) that contact break farther down arm tube is better.The good multi arm decks seem to be pretty pricey and cost of full assembly of arm is not as cost efficient/.Yeah maybe one day I will have enough $$$ for a TW Raven etc but not now.Also many choices on list of possible phono might have only one input.Like anybody to chime in on how important mono cart in PRACTICE has been though I have read the therory.But have many mono jazz LP' more and more give you that option.Less so on pre or phono front but thinking that maybe some phase issues or something I haven't thought about would make this better down the line.One plus for cheaper head shell it would allow not only for a good stereo and mono option but also allow for one cheaper "beater" cart.Setup by myself or pro is another factor.Yet thinking that I see many good pieces from all price points that allow for mono option and given number of LP's this should be way to go.Thoughts broadly on subject welcome.

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T_Bone suggested the EPA-100, and it is a great one, but also consider the EPA-500. What makes it different is that it had optional wands that included the counterweight, and were made for various cartridge requirements. There were not only wands of various effective mass, but even one for p-mount cartridges. The standard one had a wand of 12 grams effective mass, which is the same as the EPA-100. The downside is the rarity of some of the wands, and the overall cost could exceed that of an EPA-100.