Good amp pairing for Zu Dirty Weekend?

I purchased Zu Dirty Weekends a couple of months ago and I’m considering some alternate amplification. I’m currently using a Peachtree Nova 65 SE. I listen primarily to digital music via Tidal. I’d love to try something from Pass Labs or First Watt to experience some of that Nelson Pass goodness but that’s unfortunately out of my price range (looking to spend no more that 2k dollars). 

I came across this DIY kit from Amp Camp which is a Nelson Pass design. It looks like a fun project and I could continue using my Peachtree as a preamp.

I’ve also read about Decware as a good pairing. Entering the tube amplification world is also interesting to me.

Are there any other Dirty Weekend owners out there that have found an amp pairing they really enjoy given my budget?

Thanks very much for any advice. 

First Watt J2, First Watt F7 or a Pass Labs XA25 have all been mentioned in discussions I have had with Sean Casey at Zu Audio and Nelson Pass via email.  Reno HiFi has Demo models discounted. I have a Pass Labs XA25 on the way.
All the ZUs I've seen are pretty tube-friendly. Anything 15-60 watts will do nicely.
I purchased a pair of Dirty Weekends back in April and I love them. I am driving them with a Primaluna Dialogue Premium with KT150’s and the Primaluna Dialogue Premium Preamp.  More power than you’ll ever need. 
I built an amp camp amp and they are really good sounding for the money and it was really fun.  You only need a small amount of power to drive those. If you want an amp you don't have to build, the First Watts from Nelson Pass are amazing. 

Otherwise a tube amp with an EL34 or a 300B will likely deliver a fantastic sound profile with Zu speakers.