Good Amp for JM Labs Utopia Speakers

I just bought a pair of Mini Utopias, and wondered of anyone has had any luck amplifying them. Preamp is an excellent passive model I am very happy with: Reference Line Preeminence 1B.

My short list of amplifiers includes various solid state and tube models: CJ 2500A, CJ MV60SE, a few BATs, Threshold T-100, GamuT D200 MK II or III, and VTLs. I am about to start listening to several of these, and wondered if anyone had success with one of these or if I should add another amp to this list.

Appreciate the help!


Showing 1 response by goose

There are some good suggestions above. I am using a Herron tube pre-amp and Herron solid state mono amps with my Mini Utopia's. This set-up has worked very well for me. Previously I was using older McIntosh electronics. The Herron gear is clearly better. However, I belive the newer McIntosh amps would be a an excellent choice. I would stay away from any amps that tend to be on the analytical side since the Utopia's signiture tend to be a little lean. I discovered the right amp will also improve the bass response of these speakers and almost eliminates the need for a subwoofer.