Good, Affordable Horns?

I've often thought about adding a pair of horn loaded speakers, like say a pair of Klipsch La Scala, to my collection, but I've not heard enough horn loaded speakers to really know the differences, or what works and what doesn't. What are some good ones for under say $2K? What do these give up say compared to some of the larger and more expensive horn loaded speakers I've seen in AUdiogon user systems? The Jadis Eurythmie are one such pair I've seen that appear out of this world, but also must cost a small fortune.

Showing 3 responses by lonestarblues

I am a major league Klipsch Heritage fan as I own3 pair. 1981 Cornwalls, 1983 Cornwalls & 1989 Industrial La Scalas. One key in my opinion to improving the sonics of Klipsch Heritage speakers are installing new after market crossovers. I have 3 pair of DeanG(Klipsch Forum) crossovers.Type B in the 1981 Cornwalls using Auricaps. Type B in the 1983 Cornwalls using Jensen Aluminum PIOcaps. And type A using Jenesen Aluminum PIO caps in the 1989 Industrial La Scalas. Bob Crites & Al K also make aftermarket crossovers for Klipsch Heritage speakers.I realize that Klipsch Heritage speakers are not eveyone's cup of tea and like their sonic flavor.I use both SET amps & solid state amps with my Klipsch Heritage speakers. Welborne Labs Moondog 2A3 SET amps with the 1981 Cornwalls. deHavillandAries 845 SET amps with the 1983 Cornwalls. I have to disagree about the use of solid state amps with Klipsch Heritage speakers. In my opinion, using the right sonic flavor of SS amp will mate very well with Klipsch Heritage speakers. Mcintosh autoformer SS amps sound excellent with Klipsch Heritage speakers. I have a Mcintosh MC 7150 amp and have used it with my Cornwalls.I use a Llano Phoenix CAS 300/VA2 Mosfet SS/Tube Hybrid amp on my 1989 Industrial La Scalas. The separate VA2 voltage amp uses either 6N7, 6SL7 or 12SN7 tubes. Have a pair of 12SX7 tubes in the VA2. I have a George Wright AU1000 12BH7 tube preamp with the Llano amp. The Wright AU100 preamp has tone controls like my Mcintosh C38 preamp which I like. My other two preamps are purist-no tone controls-Welborne Labs Reveille 6SN7 tube preamp & deHavilland Verve 6SN7 tube preamp.I am a music lover and the Llano/Wright combo sounds excellent to my ears. I am not an audio purist and I do use the tone controls on the Wright preamp to my liking. Some people do complain about the lack of bass in La Scalas. There is no lack of bass with with this combo.Excellent dynamics with glorious midrange.
Jax2, I don't toally diasagree with you about the low end bass response of the LaScala. But the amp/preamp combo I am running is more than adequate for me. It is comparable to my Cornwalls running with my SET amps.

Here is a response from Boa2 to a thread on bass or treble controls? 9-16-2005.
He owned LaScalas with a sub back then & running them with Wright 2A3 SET monoblock amps.

We have a George wright AU-1000 (a/k/a AG-1000 with a gold face plate) that has tone controls. With a slight turn of the bass knob, we"re able to get enough bottom end even with his 4 Watt SET mono blocks that we sold our sub. As others have suggested, recordings (and rooms) are not perfect. Have you heard Wilco's "A Ghost is Born"? When listening to that CD, I actually have to turn the bass down.

The Llano Phoenix CAS 300/VA2 mosfet/tube hybrid power amp is 300 watts x 2 @ 8 ohms. Which is way over kill powering my Industrial LaScalas. But the Llano amp/George Wright preamp combo sounds excellent to my ears. The Llano Phoenix amp shares many of the same attributes as my Mcintosh
MC 7150 power amp in that it is a smooth sounding amp. But the Llano has much deeper bass response and smooth more extended treble. Llano amps were known to have low end bass response like Krell

The George Wright AU-1000 preamp I own is actually the same preamp Boa2 once owned. He sold
it to a another guy. And I bought it from him.
I totally agree with Vman71 about the excellent sonic results acheived by upgrading Klipsch crossovers.