Goldmund, not much inside, but ultra expensive.

Is judging Goldmund products on what’s inside them fair? If it’s, then what are you paying for? There’s nothing but space inside most of their equipment. Not only is there nothing inside them they’re ridiculously expensive. Look inside their Nextgen 590 intergraded amp $29000. There’s nothing inside.
To be fair, I must say I’ve never heard their equipment, so maybe it’s worth what they charge, but judging it from its inside It looks like it isn’t.

Showing 1 response by minorl

As you've heard, an item is worth what a person is willing to pay for it.  Some equipment is well designed (R&D cost money), use very good parts (also cost money) and is well built (also cost money).  R&D and tooling up for a product cost money up-front.   Some countries pay a very high salary for their employees also.  These factors along with supply chain issues, add to the price of items.

If it "made in America" or made in Switzerland, etc.  The costs for employees is very high.  Tariffs that are applied to get the item into America also is a factor.

Goldmund makes really good equipment.  The stuff I've heard was excellent.

But, most of us have price point budgetary limits.  So a $340,000 Ferrari is out of the question.  I couldn't even afford the periodic maintenance costs on one.  BMW 335i turbos blow frequently and to remove them, you have to drop the sub frame of the car.  How stupid is that?

For audio equipment, the proof is in how it sounds compared to other equipment within the same price point limits and specifications.   Apples to Apples.
