Goldfinger Statement, Lyra Atlas or Ortofon Anna?

Hello, I'd like to get a new high-resolution MC cartridge for my Versa Dynamics 2.3 turntable.

My favorites in alphabetical order are:

Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement
Lyra Atlas
Ortofon MC Anna

My former cartridges were Clearaudio Insider Reference Wood, Dynavector DRT XV-1s and Ortofon MC A90.

The sound of my system is nearly well balanced, perhaps it is a little bit on the cooler side. Cartridges with too "hot" high frequencies will also not harmonize.

I am looking for: Beautiful Tone colors / timbres, very good sound on strings and nice soundtage with "body" and good depth. Dynamics are not so important to me, my systems sound is already very dynamic.

Perhabs nobody has ever compared all three of the mentioned cartridges, or maybe not even two of the three. But perhaps you have heard one of them or have some impressions and thoughts.

I probably listen to 1/3 jazz, 1/3 classical and 1/3 chorus/vocal.
My phonostage is Audio Research Ref Phono 2, speakers are Genesis II.

What do you thing?
Which not to choose?
Which one to choose?

I look forward to any other suggestions.
Thanks in advance for all of you help and inputs.

Showing 2 responses by syntax

I think the matching of the tonearm and cartridge might
perhaps be the critical factor in determining which of these three is best in an
absolute sense

Yes, this can be important when you listen very often and you want to keep your
cartridge alive for a longer time. Anyway, taste is different and like rolling a
dice. From the technical side, go for the one from those 3 which
- is minimum weight overall
- has the strongest cantilever
- has the highest VTF
Audiofreakgeek: ....
Also, your description of the Ortofon could not be further from the truth.

Please disclose your commercial affiliations.

Jonathan Tinn

That was Blasphemy ...(Don't ruin a presale, hype, game changer status, best
ever in our Universe.... with such comments ...)
----> otherwise