GoldenEar Triton Reference for a large room...

Hi All:

i'm moving into an apartment with a large living room and am considering the GoldenEar Triton Reference speakers.

the issue with the large room (34 ft x 24 ft) is that there is a connected dining room nearby, and it is essentially open to each other, no doors, merely separated by one fireplace, so the bass will "leak" over to the dining room.  furthermore, the dining room has a wide hallway that leads to the kitchen, and there is also no doorway separating the dining room and the kitchen.

with all these connected spaces, my concern is that the bass would be lost or somehow discounted to a degree.  with that in mind, i am thinking of getting the References rather than the GoldenEar 1.R model, as the References have more robust bass drivers.

may i please ask the good folks here for thoughts, ideas, comments?

thank you in advance.


Showing 1 response by jackd

By the time you find out and circle back to inform him you may just be out a good bit of money. That's on you not the neighbors who are already there.