GoldenEar Triton Reference for a large room...

Hi All:

i'm moving into an apartment with a large living room and am considering the GoldenEar Triton Reference speakers.

the issue with the large room (34 ft x 24 ft) is that there is a connected dining room nearby, and it is essentially open to each other, no doors, merely separated by one fireplace, so the bass will "leak" over to the dining room.  furthermore, the dining room has a wide hallway that leads to the kitchen, and there is also no doorway separating the dining room and the kitchen.

with all these connected spaces, my concern is that the bass would be lost or somehow discounted to a degree.  with that in mind, i am thinking of getting the References rather than the GoldenEar 1.R model, as the References have more robust bass drivers.

may i please ask the good folks here for thoughts, ideas, comments?

thank you in advance.


Showing 2 responses by fthompson251

I think the T Ref's will work well. I have the T 1.r's in a dedicated listening room. However it's not as large of space as yours. With the adjustable bass driver you can fine tune the bass manually on the back of the speaker. Also they are really efficient and don't need a lot of power, but if you do have a lot of power they can handle it and probably really fill any room. I drive mine with a 65 WPC tube amp and it works really well with them. My guess is that you will be thrilled with them as they are really good sounding speakers.

When I auditioned my T1r’s they were hooked up to a Prima Luna Integrated with CD’s and there was no fatigue in the 2 hours I was there and they surprised me for how good they were. I bought them. I use a VAC Renaissance 70/70 tube amp to drive them and it works wonderful. I got your message but when I tried to reply AG said it was against some rules and were reporting me-WTH? What I suggested is you call Upscale Audio and talk to them, they are the distributor for GE and you can ask them about all your concerns and if they will work with your amp. My dedicated listening room is 14' x 18' with 6.5' ceilings. (Basement) so the T1r's are plenty and I didn't want to get too close to the ceiling with taller speakers.