Goldenear Triton One R vs. PSB T3. vs. Spendor D7...

Which pair of speakers will have the most transparency, sound-stage  and depth? All are about $6500 to $7500. Which one in your opinion is the biggest bang for the buck?

Showing 6 responses by stereo5

I own both the Triton Ones and the Triton Reference. As you go up the line, you get a more refined sound. Comparing the Triton R speakers to Spendors is like comparing an apple to a watermelon. They are two totally different sounding speakers. The first thing to do is listen to any GE speaker to see if you like their house sound and the same with the Spendors. You did ask this question a year ago only asking about the Triton Ones. You sound to me like a person who most likely won’t buy anything, because if you did, you would have bought one of the speakers by now.  The GE’s are easy to audition as there are hundreds of dealers world wide.  The Spendors May be a bit harder to audition as there aren’t as many dealers. However, if you were truly serious, you would actually go out and listen instead of asking the same questions again. 

No crystal ball, may I borrow yours? You are talking about 3 different speakers that do not even remotely sound like they are in the same hall. What does it matter what others think or have heard? Do you want them to spend your money for you? If that is the case, go with the Triton One R. My reasoning is it is close to the Triton Reference which I love and find perfect for my taste. If you want to save a lot of money, Triton Ones can be had used for $2500.00. I know nothing of Spendors or PMC. I do know you wont get the same quality or quantity of bass out of the Spendors or PMC that you get from the GE speakers.

About that spanking, have your wife or girlfriend give you 50 whacks plus an extra 10 for being so snarky. 
So you are still talking about buying yet have done nothing.  You remind me of one of my audio buddy’s who always wants to compare components but who never buys anything.   Your reasoning about not being able to audition speakers Due to the virus shut downh, hence your asking doesn’t hold water.  A year ago you asked pretty much the same question yet there was no virus then and no closing of audio stores.  Instead of talking about me, why not go out and actually listen?   Although you would have to leave the safety of your keyboard. 

you are just a dreamer.  I will lay a bet that next year at this time you will still be talking about buying speakers. 

I did not have anyone delete anything.  The moderator made the deletions on his/her own.  I got 3 notifications that my posts were deleted due to:  "None of your business".  I don't complain or cry to anyone.  Perhaps it was your mommy who made the deletions.  My mom died in 2012 at the age of 92.  God Rest Her Soul.