Gold Face Olympic Power = Canada

Sorry, fellow audiophiles in the great U.S.A. CANADA won the GOLD MEDAL in Men's Hockey...and in Women's hockey...leaving YOU GUYS 2nd best!

Wayne Gretzky for President!

Showing 4 responses by natalie

Funny thing jmcgrogan2 last time I checked over 150 Million Americans live in cold weather climate just like Canada.
Go Canada Go
I have never been more proud to be Canadian.
Our Hockey is in great shape and in the hands of some great people.
Wayne Gretzky Steve Tambellini,Kevin Lowe, Pat Quinn,Ken Hitchcock,Jacques Martin,Bob Nicholson,Wayne Fleming and all suppoert staff.Thanks for bring that Gold Medal home.

For our women who showed class and poise in the face of digusting Officiating.Thanks
Bluenose,I hope your right.
I have waited 32 years for The patriots to win they did.
Next up Canada delivered the goal.
Will the Leafs be next follwed by an Italy World Cup win?
I can only hope.
Jeff you have watched to much Canadians hockey this year.
The Leafs have grit desire.What they lack is One more defencmen.Sadly its the one who lost the sight in his Eye that could put them over the top.Brian Berard would have looked good in a USA uniform as well.