Gold Face Olympic Power = Canada

Sorry, fellow audiophiles in the great U.S.A. CANADA won the GOLD MEDAL in Men's Hockey...and in Women's hockey...leaving YOU GUYS 2nd best!

Wayne Gretzky for President!

Showing 1 response by chazzbo

Well remeber that we Americanos are not the best at winter sports.But to get around it gen-x'ers came up with freestyle and snowboarding etc so intsead of the 20 medals we were expected to get we ended up with 34.Hey speaking of snowboarding wasn't the last olympics one in which the gold meadalist was stripped of his medal as they found Canabis in his system and it was declared a "performance enhancing drug" (Like Dude have you seen where I put my gold medal?).But yeah good on 'ya to the canucks.They are so hocky crazy and have been so dominant per capita vs us in the NHL I couldn't believe this was the first gold in 50 years (or was that first EVER).As a former Bostonian where we were the proud worls series champions of 1917 I could relate.Hey look what happened when the Pat's won.We are so starved after the Celts dried up in the 80's the city which has 1.25 Million people had it's population doubled when an equal amount of fans came to have a blat after the superbowl.And in Canada?With Hockey?It must be a blast.And the country makes good speakers to.Forget the Brits whom are always mentiones our freinds to the north are the best ones we have.