Going Topless

When changing tubes on my ARC preamps, I noticed a substantial lift in performance when the top covers were left off the units. An increase in "Air", 3D and just plain "relaxed ease" was appearent when the covers were off.
Now my particular units have Litz signal wire running from input selector and PC board to the RCA I/O jacks in the back. These bundles of wire come close to the top chassis cover, without actually touching it.
Are we dealing with "Eddy Currents" here? I have come to the conclusion that all (music)signal carrying wires, must be isolated from close proximity to metal. I have heard the same effect on ICs and Speaker wire. All of these wires appear to be well shielded and use a stiff dielectric. There must be stray Magnetic Eddy Currents at work here.
Anyone else go through this? Better yet; Can anyone explain this?
The moral, Metal and wire don,t mix...........Frank

Showing 2 responses by dekay

I somehow missed Sean's name at the bottom of his entry and thought that Kublakhan had posted it. No offense Kubla, but I was thinking "What in the hell is going on here?". Nice post Sean.
What about using a sheet of kitchen aluminum foil for a top cover? I have been told that this blocks RFI and EMF (electro magnetic?) and at one time used it between an amps external power supply and my CD player which were cramped togther.