Going to Munich, what should I not miss seeing?

My wife, daughter and I are going to Munich for vacation this summer. We will be staying with relatives in Schliersee.

So- my German AudiogoN colleagues, what should I be sure to visit?

Showing 1 response by bombaywalla

I fondly remember my trip to Munich in 2010. Like Albert Porter wrote, you must go to the BMW Museum. It really is fantastic. About a 1/2 day's worth excursion.
The 2nd place I really loved was the Deutches Museum - this is a museum of natural history. Fantastic! Beautiful location as it alongside a river. The museum has a tall tower with massive 10-story tall hygroscope to measure humidity! You can climb all the way to the top & get a great view of the city.
What I also did was travel up & down the subway to all my locations & it was very educational (I can read/write/speak German so it was not too difficult for me but even for non-German speaking folk just using some common-sense like knowing which direction you are headed & holding a subway map you can find your way around very easily).
Of course, you must see the Marienkirche at Marien Platz. In the summer that whole platz (square) will be a magnificient spot - outdoor dining, people milling around, street performers & beautiful weather. Aaaaaah! your trip is making me jealous.....;-)
If you have some time to go a bit outside Munich you can visit the dreaded concentration camp Auschwitz. I did not have time but I would have loved to have visited it.
And, I'm sure that your relatives will guide you well....
Have fun! It's a beautiful city...