Going to Build Intel NUC Server Fan or Not?

I will have the server in my listening space although it will be about 14 feet away from my listening spot and situated on a side wall bookcase. I will ethernet connect the NUC server direct to my router and from the router I will fiber optic cable connect to my Weiss 501, my sole source of playback. Do any of you find the fan noise to be an issue? I will most likely go with a 10th generation I7 NUC.





Showing 2 responses by milpai

High TDP processors and real time upsampling can generate a lot of heat that no amount of passive cooling will dissipate.

@sonic79 ,

You can set the MIN-MAX TDP to 65 for the new i7-12700 chip. I have been running my passive cooled audio server for a few weeks now, upsampling all FLACs to DSD 512 and I have never seen Core Temp exceed 60C.