Going from computer audio to dedicated streamer

A few days ago I purchased a Bluesound Node 2. Immediately after hooking it up I noticed a more relaxed less digital sound than I was getting from my Mac mini into my Wyred 4 Sound Dac-2. My hookup for the Mac was via a good usb cable into a Musical Fidelity Vlink192 coax into the Wyred 4 Sound. It is every bit as detailed as streaming Tidal through the Mac but is more "musical" and relaxed. An example would be on high dynamic contrasts the Mac could sound harsh and a little piercing in the highs. This was with every speaker I have owned. Not that it sounded bad overall, actually sounded quite good but I am loving this upgrade so far. No more messing with Amarra or Audirvana for me and dealing with the associated crashes etc.   
I am curious of others experiences good or bad moving away from computer audio to something else.
Also is anyone running an external hard drive with their music collection and running though the Bluesound or similar device and how is that working out?   

Showing 1 response by mahler123

I also struggled with computer audio and all of it's associated issues.  I won't recite the whole litany of problems that I had but I went the Bluesound whole home route 2 years ago and have been much happier.  The latest update to the OS makes it easier still to play the music on my Mac which is nice because I had disposed of several CDs that I ripped before the switch to Bluesound.
  I still use my CDP as I just haven't had time to rip most of my collection.  I don't notice any profound difference between the Bluesound or the Oppo 105 as a source into my DAC.
  I struggle with IT issues at work and when I want to relax at home the last thing I want is a computer issue while listening to music.  A dedicated player/server or whatever these things are called makes so much more sense and the Bluesound stuff is imo reasonably priced