I have never heard the Gyrodec, so I can't offer advice about the upgrade.
However, I did own an SME Model 10 for eight years before going up the SME
line. I started with the 309, then the 9" V and now own the V-12.
I too think the sliding base is fantastic for horizontal tracking angle adjustment
or overhang, and I used to think the VTA screw and adjusting arm height was
cumbersome at best. However, I started to experiment with different SRA
settings and I have become fairly adept at unlocking the base and making tiny
height adjustments. I now find it worth the effort for the considerable
improvements in sonics. However, I don't then readjust overhang or VTF for
different VTA.
Remember, raising or lowering the height of the standard 9" arm by 4 mm
results in a 1 degree SRA change. I alter the height by as little as 1-2 mm
depending on the LP. This is between 1/4 and 1/2 of one degree SRA. And with
my new 12" V12, it is even less. A 1mm height change means about a 3/4
rotation of the VTA screw. That's a lot. Imagine how tiny a height change or
SRA change you can get from a 1/4 turn of the VTA screw. The threads aren't as
fine as with some other arms, but, the screw is removable and you are left with a
superior rigidly locked arm base. Some feel the cantilevered/offset arm tower
allowing for relatively convenient VTA adjustment compromises the rigidity of
the arm structure. Durand changed precisely this with their top of the line Telos
The only problem is that there are no calibration marks on the SME arm for
height. I used to think that one needed a Graham or TriPlanar or Durand for
easy VTA/SRA adjustment, but now I feel the SME is almost as easy. You just
have to get used to the process. And for calibration, I use the SME scale on the
protractor measuring from the top surface of the arm board to the bottom
surface of the extension for the arm rest. The range is from 16 mm to 19mm for
my collection of LPs.
I think the removable headshell is fine for cartridge swapping and azimuth
adjustment, but I never did that with my 309. (I also did not install the finger lift
for any of my SME arms). If you swap cartridges, you should keep and use the
309, but if you use only one cartridge, I would use your IV arm.
Also check to see if the motor controller with the Model 10 has speed
adjustability. Mine did not and the speed was very slightly fast, so I replaced
belts often. I think the new motor controllers are adjustable.
You will enjoy the SME table.